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IT�L�.3 <br />2699 <br />2i00 <br />2701 <br />Z�a� <br />2703 SECTION: <br />2704 ����91 Q 11.0 I: Add'ztional Requirements <br />2705 for a11 Zoning Districts Except <br />2706 R-1 and R-2 <br />2707 ��-�1011.02: Exterior Finis% <br />2708 � 8-�-41011.03: Additions, Al�erations <br />27'09 and .�ccessory Buildings <br />2710 �410 � 1.04: Appearance <br />271 � �-9�1�1011.05: Landscaping in Parking <br />2712 Area <br />�,� � 3 }g�$ � 0 � � .p�: Concrete Cuarbing <br />2714 �1�1011.07: Rao�iop Equiprnent <br />27I S ��9-�-410 � � .08: LTtiliti�s <br />2716 -���011.09: Off-Street Parkzng. <br />2717 �-0� 1 p��.� 0: External Loading and <br />2718 Service Areas <br />27I9 � �1-8]. Q � � .11: Trash Ha�dling <br />2'�20 Equipment <br />2721 ���s� 41011. � 2: Lighting <br />2722 ���-e1011.13: Handicap Facilities <br />2723 -1�8-1�} 1 Q 1�.14: Landseaping Areas othe� <br />2724 �han Building and Hardstand <br />2725 �1�1011.15: P�ans; Review <br />2726 ��-k41011.16: Requirements for Si�e <br />2727 P�an Review <br />2728 �-�-� 191 O 11. � 7: Excepiion� for <br />2729 Canst�ruction Involving Less than a Fi�ty Pearcent �ncrease in Size o� <br />2730 Buildings <br />2731 ���)�810�.1.��: ADDIT�ONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL ZONING <br />2732 D�STRICTS EXCEPT R 1 AND R 2: <br />2733 In additia� ta other res�rictions af tiais title and of the building codes that are ir� fo�rce in the city, <br />8S <br />