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2734 �e use, construction, altera�ion nr eniargement af any buildin� ar strueture within aII districts <br />2735 exce�t R-1 and R-2 sha�l meet the standa�ds contained zn �ectians �-9�(�I01 �.01 through <br />2736 �8-�91011.17 of �his chapter. (4rd. 10$3, 1-14-1991} <br />273'7 � ��A1411 °02: EXTE;[uOR F�N�SH: <br />2738 All exte�'ior wa�1 £�nishes azx any pri�ci�al or accessory h�ilding shall be ane a�', or a cQmbination <br />2739 of, the follovving: <br />2740 A. �ace brick. <br />2741 B. Natural or cut stan�. <br />2742 C. Specia�ly designed, �recast concarete units if the sur�aces have been integrally treated with an <br />2743 applied decoraii�ve materia� ar texture (e�cludin� z�aw concz'�ie bloe� painted oz' t�npainted}. <br />2744 D. Glass, pre�nished meta�, £'iberglass or si�xlar materials or cor-ten steel {other than unpainted <br />2745 galvazaxzed metal ar corarugaied rar�atez'iats}. <br />2746 E. Stueco and other cementation coating ap�lied in a znanner so as to create a harmo�zious <br />2747 design in eonjunction wi�h the materials. <br />274�8 �'. Factary fabrzcatet� and fnishea rrietal framec� pane� eonstrt�etion i�the panel materials are <br />2749 any of thase noted abnve or similar as de�ermi�.ed by t�e Czty Cauncil. <br />2754 G. The City Couneil may a�prc�ve other new materials which are equal ta or better than the <br />Z751 matearials listed in t�is.claapter. (4ard. 1083, 1-14-�991} <br />2752 ��1�1��.1.03: ADDIT�ONS, ALTERATIONS AND AC�ESSORY <br />2�s3 BUZLDINGS: <br />2754 All subsequer�t additinns, e�terzor alteratians and accessoary builc�ings, constructed after t�e <br />2755 erection of an arigina� building or buildings sk�all be o�t�ae same �ateriais as those used in the <br />2756 nxiginal building and shall be designed in a rnaz�er con�arrr�ing to the arigir�al a�rchitect�ral <br />2757 concept and genexa� appearance. The�e provisions shall nat prevent �e up�rading o�'the t�uality <br />2758 ofnciaterials used in a re�nndeling or e�pa�sian program. (Ord. 1083, 1-1�-1991) <br />2759 j �8�81011.04: APPEARANCE: <br />27C0 Garages, accessaz�y str�ctuz'es, scr�ez�eci walXs artd expflsed areas o£xetaining walls shall be of a <br />2761 si�ilar ty�e, quali�y and appeaz'ance of �he przncipal struciu�'e. Th�se prarrisions s�al1 nn� preven� <br />27C2 #he upgrading o£the quality of materials used in a rernodeIir�g ox expansion program. (Ord. 14$3, <br />2763 I-14-1991) <br />2764 <br />2765 <br />2766 <br />27G7 <br />2768 <br />2769 <br />��70 <br />�10i 1.05: LANDSCAPING IN PARKING AREA: <br />�'iv� percent (5%) of th� surface as•ea o�the �azzd wzthin a par�Ciz�g area sha�1 b� la�dscapec� w�tl� <br />grass, shrubb�ry, trees and/or o��er approved ground eover. (Ord. I083, 1-1 �4-I991) <br />�1D11.06; CUNCRETE CURBING: <br />�'�e periph�ry of parking areas a�d drives shall be constructed with poured in place canerete <br />curbing. (Ord, 1083, 1-14�1991} <br />��o� �.o�: RooFTOP EQv�g����r: <br />:• <br />