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Departrr�e t Approval <br />Ite�aa� De e niion: <br />BACKGROUND <br />���► � `'�o�% . � 1 <br />R�quest for Council Action <br />Ma�agc�r A��roval <br />Date: 08/13/07 <br />�t�ra� Number: 7.� <br />Agenda �ectian <br />APPROVAL T4 ACCEPT 2007-8 SAFE &�OSER GRANT F�NDYNG <br />The Ramsey Co�nty Shsriff's Offce (RCSO}, aloilg with il�e New Brag�€tc�n, Moundsview, St. Anthony, Whi�e Bea�r <br />Lake, Maplewood and Roseville Police Depart�x�enis subrnitted ai1 application to tl�e Minnasota Dspartment of Public <br />Safety �o receive funds for the 2007-8 Sa�e & Sober grant pragram. It's estirr�ated that the City's portio�� of grant funds <br />will be approximately $20,00�. <br />Roseville's Sergeant Ricic Wahtera wilt be coordinaiing t�e grant activities far Roseville. Rick has extez�sive experience <br />with coordinating efforts for C}p�ration Nite Cap, seheduling iraf£ic co�ta-ol details through the State Pat�rol, commercial <br />vel�icle inspectioi�s, and also is the Departnraen�'s representative far AVCAM (a state�wide autn theft preven�ia�a <br />02'g�171Z�tip1��. <br />The funds awarded to the Rosevill� Police Department will cover afiicer averti�e and squad mileage reimb�rsernei�t. <br />PROPOSED ACTION <br />Upon approval frorr► the Caut�oil to aceepi the C,ity's portion af t�e grani funds, Sergeani Walitera will coordinate <br />schedulin� ai�d tracking methods to ensure adequate patrol coverage fpr all waves of tlze Saf� & Sober Campaigi�. <br />FrNANC�AL INII'L�CAT�ONS <br />None. There is no city match require�nent :Far thi,s f�an.ding. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATIQN <br />T�e polzce departrnent is recom�nending that it be aIlor7ved to accept �he grant funds to effectively participate in the <br />2�07-8 Safe & Sober campaign. <br />COUNC�L ACT�QN REQUESTED <br />The police depar�inen� is recommendi►�g �hat it be allowed to aceept the grant f�ryds to effectively participate in �he <br />2007-5 Safe & Sober cainpai�n. <br />