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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />b <br />8 <br />9 <br />1Q <br />11 <br />12 <br />Department Apparova�: <br />xEQuESZ FoR Cou�vczL A�T�oN <br />Mar�age� Reviewed: <br />Item Descrip�on: Award Bid %r Sanitary Sewer Main Linin.g <br />DATE: $/13/07 <br />ITEM NO.: 7.g <br />Agenda Section: <br />Consent <br />13 Backgraund: The rnajority of �he ciiy's sa�aitary sewe�' mains were consfiructed in the late 1950's and <br />14 early 19b0's, utilizing clay tilc pi�e. Over ti�ne the jain� materiais ha�ve failed allowing root intrusion. <br />I5 The �ipe is aIso suseept�ble to cracking and constr�xction darnage. The 2007 Capital Improve�x�ez�t �'la� <br />16 incl�des fundiz�g for a sanitary sewer main lining program to ex�end the life of au� sani�axy ser�vers by 50 <br />17 years or �xaoare. Th�s technology �ssentrally ins�alls a rzew resiz� pipe inside the o�d clay �ile sewer main <br />1$ without digging up city streets, which results in zxi:i�ima� disr�aption to residents dtu�ing construct�on. <br />19 T�e liner pipe is insertecl i�to.the �ain tk�ough existing rnarihnles and cured in plaee wit� a heat pzocess. <br />20 Any given segame�t zs usua�ly cornpleted in one working day. Servzce line ca�ections axe reopened <br />21 using a rabotzc cut��r and remote cameras. During the p�rocess, existi�g flows are bypassed using <br />22 puzr�ps. This technnlagy has been proven over �he past 20 years, and costs have beeome co�arapetitive <br />23 wi�h o�en e�t replace�e�t. We expect that this type o�'renovation will beca�e an aru�ual projec� �or �he <br />24 foreseeable fi,ltu�re as our sewer infrastruci�re continues to age. This techno�ogy al�a �prevents infiltration <br />25 a� �;rounc�water into �he system ar.�d in sozne areas caz� be crec�ited toward a required inflow/ infiltratzan <br />26 <br />27 <br />2$ <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />pragrarn. <br />Sta�£ assembled a specif cation and advertisecl �o� bids %r approximately 4400 Iineal feet of znaiz� lzz�iz�g <br />in areas identified as having z�oot int�'usio� or infltration �roblems. Bids were opened on August 8, <br />2007. <br />32 Policy objectives: Tt zs czty �aixcy to �eep utility infrastructure in good operating conditiar�, �tilizing <br />33 current constructic�n technologies that keep service disn.iptzan ci.urxng car�stzuction tQ a minim�. Based <br />34 a� pas� practice, the Ciiy Council has awarded can�racts to the lowcst respansible bidder. Tn thi,s case <br />35 th� Iowest bidder is Veit & Ca�pany, Inc., of Rogers, Minnesota. <br />36 <br />37 Fi�ancial im�lications: We received three bids for the 2007 Sazaitary Sewer Mairz Lining Project. The <br />38 low bid s�b�aitted by Veit & Campany, Tnc., $112,��2, �s witharz t�e buctget�d amount for this project. <br />39 This work is iunded in tihe Sanitazy Sewez' Utzli�y. The following is a listing of the bids recezved: <br />40 <br />BIDDER AMOUNT <br />Vezt & Com any, Inc. $X I2,412.00 <br />Vzsu-Sewer _mm _._ $ � 68,319.50 .-._�_ <br />Lame�i & Sans, �nc. $209,167.00 <br />