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� REQUEST FOR COUNC�L ACT�QN <br />2 UATE: 8/l 3/07 <br />� <br />6 Department Apprnval: <br />7 <br />8 � <br />9 ��� <br />Manager Reviewed: <br />TTEM NO.: 7,h <br />Agenda Sectioa�: <br />iQ Item Desc�°iption: Dee�aratzon nf costs £ar pzojects to be assess�d in 2007 az�d ordering <br />11 preparatio� af assessm��t rolis <br />�� <br />14 <br />15 Background: Each year the city hole�s pul�Iic h�arings to cnnsider as�essmants for comple�ed <br />I6 projects. �� is reco�nended t�at assessmen�: liear��gs be held at �he regularl� schedulec� cauneil <br />17 mee�ing on Sa�te�nber 2�, 2007. This will allow su�ficie�zt time to review the assesszx�ent rolls <br />1 S prior tn fnal adoption at the C?ctob�r S, 2007, regular cauncil meetin�. The City Prajects <br />19 involved in �iis year's assessmezzt prnceedings i�clude: <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />z� <br />zs <br />P-02-16 Cauniy Roac� C Reconstruc��o� PrQject- Phase 1 <br />P-QS-06 S. Owasso Bou�eva7rd Reconstzuction �'roject <br />P-06�-Q2 Ros�lawn Aven�e R�coz�struction Project <br />1'-06-12 County Road C Reconstaruction Prajec�- Phase II <br />26 Policy Object�vese Assess�e�t rolls are p�epared far prajects c4nstructed t�e year befoare. <br />27 Assessmer�t ro11s mus� be adopied by October 8, 200'1 �o a11ow #�oz� a 30Mday pre-�ayrnen� �erioc�. <br />28 Fallowing the pre-payment �eriod, assessment rolls are eertifiecl to Rarnsey County for <br />29 cflllectio�. Tl�e County xeq�ires that this certificatian be done by Novernber 15 in arder �:o allow <br />30 tk�e� ez�ough time to add the assesszz�ents to property taxes. The �rst ste�a in the assessment <br />31 pracess is eonsideratioza ofa resolution declaring costs ta �e assessed aaad ordexiz�g preparaizan o£ <br />32 assessment rolls. <br />�3 <br />34 Finaneiai �mp�xcatio�s: Tk�e praposed assessments l�aVa been prepared in aceoxdance wztl� <br />35 Roseville's assessmen� policy and as out�i�ed i� ihe project £easibiliiy reports. A detailed <br />36 asses�ment roil vaill be presented ai the assessment hearing for �ach project. <br />37 <br />38 Roselawz� Avenue az�d S. �wasso B1vd reconstruction pz'ojec�s were �nanced �six�g assessments, <br />39 MSA funds az�d ��iliiy £u�nds. <br />40 <br />41 The Coun�y Road C Recnnstruction Projects (Plzase I& Pl�ase �I) was financed using f�nds f:rom <br />42 nraany di�ferent sources. The overall projeci was �nanced using Rosevi�Ie Funds, County Staie <br />�3 Aid F�.u�ds, and �ederal Grarzt funds. Tl�e Ci�y's �prtion a�the casts wall be financed using a <br />44 cnmbinatio� of special asse�snne�ts, utiiity fiu�ds, and M�A fiu�ds. <br />45 <br />