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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />b <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />I1 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />1'7 <br />18 <br />I9 <br />20 <br />2I <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />Schedulet Tkze 2001 assessrrten� praeess i� s�ggested ta proceed according to the following <br />schedule: <br />August 13 <br />Augusi 27 <br />�ep�ernber 4 <br />Septaznber 7 <br />Se�tember 2� <br />4ctober S <br />�ci. 9 tcr Nov "7 <br />Nov. 7 tn No v 9 <br />Noverriber 9 <br />Resolt�tion dec�a�ring costs to be assessed, ardering preparation of <br />assessznent roll,s <br />Resolution receivi�g assessment ro�ls, �etting heari�g dates <br />Notice of heat'iz�g p�blisl�ed in the Ro�eville Revi�w <br />Mai1 nntices to affected property owz�ers <br />Assessment �earings <br />Hearing date far £'iz�a� adaptio� of assessmen� roIl <br />Prepayment of assessmen�s (30 days) <br />Tally a�' �na1 assessrrtent roll <br />Certi�cation of as��s�ment rolls to Ra�sey County <br />]I�COIVIMENDED COUNCIL A.CT�O�S: <br />Appraval p�resolu�ion declarin� costs for City �'roject 02-16 tQ be assess�d and ordering <br />prepara�io�� o�proposed assessz�ent roll. <br />. � <br />Ap�rova� of resolution dec�az�ing costs for City Froject 05-06 to be assessed and ordexirzg <br />preparation pf praposed assessment rall. <br />. * <br />Approval of resolu�ion dec�aring costs for City Prajeet Q6-02 ta �e assessed an.d orderir�g <br />preparatian o£ proposed assessrnent roll. <br />: _� . <br />Appxoval af resolution d�c�aring costs for City �'roject 06-� 2 to be assessed and ordering <br />prepara�ion of �roposed assess�aent roll, <br />�'xepaxed by: Dehra Bloom <br />