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1 EXTRACT OF MINUTES O� MEET�NG <br />2 OF CITY COU�TC�L <br />3 OF C�TY UF ROSEVILL� <br />4 RAM�EX COUNTY, M�NNESOTA <br />5 <br />Fi <br />7 Pu�rsuant to due call and no�ice theren% a regular meeting of t�e City Couneil of t�e City of Roseville, <br />S Minncsota, was held in the City Ha�l in said Czty an Monday, Augus� 13, ZOQ7, at b:00 o'clac� p.m. <br />9 <br />10 The followiz�g mezx�bers were present: and the follor�vin� r�vere ai�sent: <br />11 <br />12 Cnuncil mernber iniroduc�d i�e followi�g �resolutian an� znaved its ada�ation: <br />13 <br />14� <br />15 <br />15 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />2'7 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />3� <br />32 <br />33 <br />3� <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />4J <br />42 <br />43 <br />�4 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />RESOLUTION <br />RES4LUT�ON RELATING TO IMPROVEMENT� <br />P-02-16 COUNTY R4AD C RECONSTRUCT��N PROJECT- PHA�E I <br />DECLAR�NG CQST TO SE ASSESSED AND �RDERING <br />PREPARATION {lF PROP4SED ASSESSMENT ROLL <br />WHEREAS, eontracts have bee� let az�d costs hava been determined f�x Impravement P-�2-16 Countp <br />R�ad C Reconstruction Project- Phase T, t�e recon.struction o�t1�� strect by th� i�.stal�ation o£concrete <br />paving, cancrete curb and g�tter, watermains, sanitary sewer, drainage, utilities, and necessary <br />appurt�nances; and <br />WHEREAS, the City's �hare of the con�ract price for such improvernent is $749,835.42, anct the <br />expenses i�curz�ed or to be znc�arred i� the making of suc� irnproverner�t amount to $�60,592.42, so that <br />tl�e iota� City cost share af t�e i�provez�ent wi11 l�e $910,431.84. <br />I��W THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Cauneil ofthe City of Roseville,�esota as fo�lows: <br />1. The portion of t�ie cost af such improvemerzt to be pazd by the city is h.ere%y declaared to be <br />$72�,$84.76 and the portinn nf �ie cos� to be assessed agains� benefted property owners is deelared to <br />he $188,547.48 . <br />2. The City Manager, with ihc assistance oftk�e C�ty Engineer, s�all £arthw�th calculate t�ie praper <br />amoun� to be special�y assessed for such i�.prov�m�nt against �very assessable 1ot, piece or parcel of <br />land wit�in the districfi affected, wit�ou� regard to cash valuatian, as pravided by law, and he s�a11 filc a <br />copy of such �ro�osed assessment in �is office far public inspection. <br />3. Th� Ciiy Manager shall, upon the comple�ion of such pro�ased assess�nent, notify the cour�cil th.ereof. <br />The �notion far the adoptio� of the foregoing resaluiion was duly seconded by upon a vote being <br />talcen thereon., t�e fallowing vated in favor ihereof and the fallowing vot�c� against the sa�ne: <br />WHEREUPON said resol�tian was declaxed duly �aassed ar�d adapted. <br />