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� <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 DeparYmenf Apprc►val: <br />7 .'. ��A <br />9 <br />�0 <br />Il <br />12 <br />�3 <br />14 <br />�5 <br />16 <br />17 <br />�S <br />uEQuEST FoR co�vc�L acT�o�r <br />Manager Approved: <br />DATE: 8/13/07 <br />ITEM NO.: �,i <br />Age�da See�aon: <br />�tem Descrip�ion: Request to extend wor�Cing hours for AMC Rasedale Cente� 14 T�ealre en�y <br />plaza vestibule addition <br />Background: Paro�sear Wilbert Construction, Inc. has been hired by RasedaIe Center at 1395 Highway <br />36 W ta cam�lete t�e prapased co�structian of an e��ry plaza vestibule addition for the AMC Ra�edale <br />Center 14� Theatre. This work is scheduled to begi� ir� late Augu�t. We have received a reques� �ronr� the <br />�roject manager to extend the working l�ours for this work. <br />19 The requested variance is to City Code Section 4QS.03 H4URLY RESTRICTIONS OF CERTAIN <br />20 OPERATTONS which ��rmi�s construction aetivities to occur between �l�e hou�rs of seven o'clock (7:00) <br />2� A.M. az�d ten o'elack (10:00) P.N[. an any we�kday, or between the hnurs oinine o'clock (9:00) A.M. <br />22 arzd nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. on any weeke�d or legal holidays. <br />23 <br />24 The Contractor is requesting to construcf the �ooting aa�c� £a�c�ations f€�r the vesiibule dc�ing ihe ni�;ht <br />25 and early rr�orriing beiween 1:OOam tn 1 O:OOa�n. They plan to complete fihis woxk between August l4th <br />26 az�d Aug�st 31 st. �'ox t�e areamaincier of the projec-�, September 1 Y11ru November 3Q, work is prapased to <br />27 begin at 6:40am to 4:30 przi, Monday i�ru T1��sday. Tk�ey do not propose to wark an Friday, Sa�urday <br />28 or Sunday due to the high volurne of thea�re patrons on weeker�ds. <br />2� <br />30 A varias�ce to �his section af code �equxres a�'ublic Heari�g before the City Cauncil, per eode section <br />31 405.04. �'ub�ic �eari�g �otices zxaust be �nailed out to ail properties wiil�rn 350 fe�� of the pro�erty. V�e <br />32 have expanded tl�e mailing notice to 500 �eet in a�'�.ez �a i�cl�de t�e Har Mar Apartments and Rosewood <br />33 Village Condos located on the snuth side of Highway 36, since they are ik�e closest iarz�pacted residential <br />3� prapez�y. A�y coz�aaments that we recei�ve will be shared wi�h the City Council as a part of the �'ubJic <br />3 S Hearir�g. <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />�4 <br />45 <br />Staff reeammendatiana In the interest oi safety iQr ma11 patrans and reducing �aotential constr�c�ion <br />traffic cor�flicts, staff recozxiznends that the CourACil apprave the extension of tk�e wor�in� hauxs for this <br />eonstruction project. <br />REC4MMENDED COUNC�L ACTT4N: <br />Approval of a resoiution extending the working hours for the AMC Rosedale Center 14 Theatz'e entry <br />plaza vestibuIe addition. <br />Prepa�'ed by: Debra Bloo�n <br />