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�XTRACT OF MiNi3TES OF MEETING <br />2 OF C�TY COUNC�L <br />3 OF CTTY 4F ROS�V�LLE <br />4 RAMSEY COUNTY, MIIYNE�[3TA <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />$ <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />�4 <br />�S <br />16 <br />17 <br />1S <br />19 <br />20 <br />zl <br />Pursuant to due call az�d z�otice th�reaf, a regular �neeting of the City Couneil of �khe City of Roseville, <br />Minnesata, vvas held i� th� City Hall in said City on Monday, August 13, 2007 at f:00 o'clock p.m. <br />The follor�vin� taa�embers were �aresent: and �he following were absent: <br />Cour�eilmember introduced il�e following resolution arzd �naved its adapt�on: <br />RESOLUTION �;XXXX <br />RESOLUTION �XT�NDI�G WORKING k�OURS FOR <br />AMC ROSEDALE CENTER 14 THEATRE <br />ENTRY PLAZA VESTIBULE ADDZTION <br />22 W�-IEREAS, Prosser Wilbert Constz-uctioza, �nc., has been �ixed by Rosedale Center at 1395 <br />23 Highway 36 W io cam�le�e the proposeci ca�s�ruction of a� ezatz�y plaza vestzbule addxtion for the <br />24 AMC Rasedale Center 14 Theatre; <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />34 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />AND WHER�AS, they would like to construct the footing a�d foundatioz�s d�irzg nzg�ttime and <br />ea�rly z�o��ng ho�rs betweer� A�gust 14`�' anci August 31 st; <br />AND WHEREAS, they wo�ld �i�Ce io beg'zz� warking at 6:00 a.rn. between Sepiember ls` and <br />November 30`h io cnm�lete the reznaznder of t�e project; <br />AND WI-�EREAS, ihe Cit� of Ra�eville �Zas xeceived a reqt�est from the Project Manag�r to extend <br />the working hours; <br />35 THERE�OR� B� �T RE�C}LVED by �he Crty Council of the City nf Roseville, Minnesota, the City <br />36 c�f Roseville hereby e�tends the warking hours for the AMC Ro�edaie Center 1� Tneatre entry plaza <br />37 ves�il�ule addition for ihe foltovving dates and times: <br />38 <br />39 August I4� — 31, 2007 Nightti�ne hours I:OQ a.m. tQ 7:00 a.rn. <br />44 Sep�ember 1— Novennber 34, 2007 Early morz�:zng 6:ao a.�. tq �:oo �..�. <br />�� <br />42 <br />�3 The �notion for the adoptio�a o�'the fore�oing resolution was duly seconded by Mernber <br />44 upo:� a vote being taken ih�reon, tl�e #'ollowin�; vo�ed in favor thereof: and �he fo�lawing vated <br />45 against the saz�e: <br />46 <br />47 WHEREUFON said resolution was d�clared duly passed and adopted. <br />48 <br />