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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />� <br />6 <br />� <br />8 <br />9 <br />Special City Cauncil Nice�ing <br />Monday, �ug�st 06, 2d0'7 <br />Page 17 <br />b. P�°oces� and Txme��ne -- Cansider A�.pp��v�ng the Tw�n Lakes Al- <br />te�-nate C7�°ban Axeawide RevAew {AUAR) Proeess and Timelin� <br />Economic D�v�lopment Associate Ja�znie Radel r�view�d siaff s pro� <br />posed �imeline for the AUAR Update process, initia�ed in Septernber <br />o� 2006, se�kzng Ciiy Council di�ection �'o�r con��nu�ng the p�rocess. <br />Ms. Radel noted staf�'s reco�n�nendation �or a 30-day agency and <br />public comment period, rather than thc Environmental Qua�ity Spard <br />(EQS} required 14 days. <br />�4 Gouncilmember Pus� suggested severa� language c�a�fzcatxons �n the <br />11 proposed tim��ine to pz-ovide c�arification so the public understands <br />� 2 �ha� their oppor�unity is authen�ic and their comments wiTr be taken <br />13 into accouni by �he Czty Counc�l be�'o�e f nal adoptzon o£ the AUAR <br />14 �Updat�. <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />Ci�y Atta�rney Squ�xes appxo�ed the suggesied lan�uage revisions pro- <br />posed by Councilme�nber Pust. <br />19 Ms. Rade1 concurred with Councilmember Pust's Ianguage reviszons, <br />20 and advised Councilmembers of staff s concern with keeping the <br />21 process movzng fozward, as they were in �ecezpt of seve�al land use <br />22 proposals in th� study area, and anticipated addi�ional praposals. Ms. <br />23 Radel noted that once the document was comp�ete and adopted, wzth <br />24 impacts and mitigation s�ra�egies defined, it would provide a compre- <br />25 hensive review of ihe numerous environmental impacts to the area. <br />26 <br />27 Discussion ineluded cost-ef�'ectiveness for potential developers shar- <br />28 ing in p�ro zated casts of the AUAR Upda�e, ra�her than having to pra- <br />29 vide individual parcel Enviranmen�al Assessment Workshee�s <br />30 (EAW's}; and timang issues o£ exzsting and �uture applicaiions {�.e., <br />3� hotel/res�aurant use at C1eveTand by Cen� Ven�ures). <br />32 <br />33 Councilmember Ihlan opined, and st�ongly urged, that �he C�ty Coun- <br />34 eil put in p1ac� a moratorium whi�e th� AUAR is being finaiized <br />35 ra�her than to create a�'ast-track ca�endar fo�- AUAR Update <br />36 approvaT. Councilmember Ihlan expressed concerns abou� �he process <br />37 outlined, and opined that public comment needed to be heard by the <br />38 City Council prior �o their declaration that �he AUAR L�pdate was <br />39 "ca�nple�e and accura�e." <br />