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S�ecia� City Council Meetin� <br />M�nday, Aug�st 06, 2Q07 <br />Page 23 <br />1 Couneilmember Pusi ask�d if staff could provide a comprehensive <br />2 discussion o� each section �before �he August 20th Study Session, with <br />3 Mr. Darrow aff �rming that the in�'orznatzon eould be provided. <br />4 <br />5 Mr. Dararow advised that the advantage of a consultani was fox a fre�h <br />6 set of eyes to sugg�st a process that mak�s sens� for the communi�y, <br />7 with them outlining tlae �ectians to be comp�eted and th�iz sugg�sted <br />8 priorities. Mr. Darrow noted �hat �he process needed to move quickly, <br />9 as proposals had been zn-house for some time, and consultant sched- <br />10 u�es w�re sta�ting to f�ll in due ta other communi�y needs and plan <br />1 � updates. <br />12 <br />� 3 Councilmemb�r Ih1an referenced past practice of the City Council in <br />14 consu�tani hiring {i.e., City Attorr�ey and Recycling Contraetor) with <br />15 the fi�Il Counci� individua�ly and eonf dentia�ly reviewing proposals, <br />�6 with an oppo�tunity �o d�scuss them at a public meeting, with repre- <br />17 sentatives o� each firm invited to speak to their proposals, without <br />18 formal ini��rv�ews being he1d. <br />�9 <br />20 Add�t�onal discussion included s�aff input on th� propo�als; and prae- <br />2�. ticalities and schedu�e consideratzons o� indiv�dual Councilmernbers <br />22 in selecting consultants. <br />23 <br />24 Couneilmember Ro� opzncd that �he Czly Counc�� cou�d have a dis- <br />25 eussinn based an sta�f �'eedback and consu�ting frm representaiives to <br />2F address Council questions and to pxovide add�t�onal infarma�ion as <br />27 indivzdually requested; further opined that it made sense to have the <br />28 propasals as far in advance as possib�e; and noted that �f the City <br />29 Council was going to s��rve a� the Selection Camm�itee, some i�ems <br />30 became mu�e. <br />3� <br />32 Mr. Darrow proposed a co�npromise that would hav� �ta�£ inierview <br />33 the three fizms and make r�comm�nda�ion o�' two to the City Couneil, <br />34 providing a mat�zx o� casts, ob�ectiv�s, anc� prioritizing �he frms to <br />35 bring befor� the City Council a� t�e August 20t�' meeting, and the final <br />36 �wo b�ought bac� �or f na� action at �he August 27, 2�Q7 meeting. <br />37 <br />38 Counci�member �h1an expressed her desire to have all three frms <br />39 brought before her to znake a mark�i-p�ac� deczs�on. <br />