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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />Special C�ty Council Meeting <br />1Vlonclay, Angust OG, z407 <br />Page 24 <br />Counc��member Pust sought a compromise irom Councilmember Ih- <br />lan from three to two fzrzns. <br />5 Counci�member �hlan opined �hat such a camp�omise was not mean- <br />C ingful, and she was willing to wade through the proposa�s, vvith input <br />7 from staf� as to their ranking of the three ��ns. <br />S <br />9 Councilmember Pus� su�gested a further compromise �hat Couneil-- <br />l.0 member �h1an sit in on alr three interv�ews with staff sa she would <br />11 hav� aI� the �n�'o�ma�ion be�oxe her ta make h�ar d�cision. <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />Councilmember Th�an was not open to �his compromise, opining that <br />a11 f ve Counc�lmembers needed �o participate in aII three interviews, <br />with staff input. <br />17 Fu�ther diseussion included agenda ite�ns and time allotted for the <br />� 8 August meetings; exis�ing City Council wqrkload; with �everal <br />19 frzendly amendmen�� and substitute moiians cons�dered, discussed <br />2o and withdrawn. <br />21 <br />22 Counc�lmembex Zh�an rev�ewed the intent of her original motzon: that <br />23 proposers be invited to the August 20, 2007 meeting, with the Council <br />24 making their decision at the Augus� 27, 2007 m�eting. <br />25 <br />26 �auncilm�mber Pust sought a clear understanding fram the C��y <br />27 Counci� and the public that ihis proposal sho�ened time available at <br />28 the August 20, 2007 meeiing for public com�nent on the AUAR Up- <br />29 date. Councilmember Pust fi�rther noted �ha� it was imperative rhat <br />30 someone provxde analysis of and compare the bare bones o�' �he three <br />31 eonsulting firm proposa�s. Councz�member Pust noted the time tak�n <br />32 �onigh� to simply clarify a moiion; and questioned the Ci�y Council's <br />33 revzew o� technica� proposals. Councilrnemb�x Pust opined thai th�s <br />34 would be a monu�nental waste of Council meeting time; suggested <br />35 that ind�vzdual Counci�members review the docum�n�s and ���y on <br />36 staf �'s commcnts and recnmmendations a� their own discretion. <br />37 <br />38 Addi�ional discussion included another proposed mo�ion that was not <br />39 pursuec�; whe�her sta�'� should �e requested to develop a matrix on and <br />