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vp�n�Qn: rree ine c�tzes � c�ry, c�c�es, oznc�ats - uc:xegzster.cozar� <br />Yage 2 ot' 3 <br />an� gi�e e�ties additior�al interest. Suc� canformity removes ereati�ity a�d su�jective decisio�s — which are <br />the hallmarks of a free �ociety. T�e best cities sf�o�ld celebra�e creativ�ty by r�moving #he blanket of <br />go�ernment-enfiar�ed regulation anc� zoning. <br />Point Z is iv respect prop�rfy rig�ts and deregu[ai� devetopmen� ru[es. <br />Ci#y o�c�als tend to be dismissive of property rights. They wa�� to cantral e�ery land-use decisian ar�d are <br />constantly impasi�g costlier and more burdertsome regulatory hurdles on developers and e�en <br />horneowners. Not long ago, Stanto� passed (then repealed) a policy mandating city inspectors tr� check oc�� <br />every home sold (including th� interiar, at the �nspec�or"s discretion). Anaheim �equires de�elopers to pay for <br />a paleontologist tn be on hand wi�enever exca�ation is dnne. Br�a req�ires that b�ailders �ay for p�blic art, <br />wl�ich exp�ains w�y most complexes ir� ti�e city ha�e "SCGIp��ll'@5�� that look iike they'ue been airlifted out of a <br />scrap yard. Planning commissions in errery ci�y dictate, in amazing detail, �nw businesses must operaie. <br />{�range o�cials dictate the mos� subjecti�e detai�s of design cl�a�ges to houses wit�in ihe his�vric district. <br />Cities often "downzone" proper�ies to reduce the number of �auses tha# can be b�ili on land. They <br />sometimes use eminer�t domain, their power ta seize property, not to b�ild public infrastruct�rre but to <br />transfier �and to private de�e�opers wt�o promise mvre lucrative, tax-paying p�o}ects r�n the site, fnstead ofi <br />micromanagi��, cit�es s�ould set broad standards and let ind�viduals make their owr� choic�s. Cities shn�ld <br />be viewed as iiving orgar�isms thafi are the res��� of thvusa�d� of people makir�g milfons of individual <br />d�cisions, not as steriie labora�aries where the o�'ficials cantrol everything #i�at takes place inside them. <br />Point 3 is to reform the educat`rean system. <br />City officia[s don't control their local scl�ool districts, b�rt mvst n�fficials I�tave known ha�e bee� r�luctant tfl <br />e�en use tF�e bully pulpit to pusl� fnr the type of school cl�a�nge that wauld instantly re�ive many parts of �heir <br />cities. For instance, w�en ! first movec� to 4range County, � four�c[ a great olc� bungalow in cer��ral Anaheim <br />at a wonderful price. After a�ittfe researc�, F�owe�er, f found that t�e sc�ools my kids woulc� attend were. <br />marginal, at besi. It was far less exper�sive to buy a house that cost 35 p�rcent mnre i� a s�burban city than <br />ta buy the chea�er ho�ase and pay for three prirrate schaol tuitions. No urb�n policy w�l! be complete wifhv�at <br />recogr�ition tha# poor, bureaucratic �choal systems are forcing middfe-class peaple into ti�e suburbs. One <br />relative�y simpfe soi�tion: Al�ow r�sic�ents to ser�d th�ir �cids to at�y schflol district of their choosing, with no <br />exceptions. <br />Point 4 is to wrest decisivns about publi� safety away from government unions and their bought- <br />and-paid-for politicians. <br />Im m�st ci�ies, the po�ice and fre union� control the city cauncil members, and thes� powerful union5 cont�ol <br />public sa#'ety policy. Potice c��cials always p�sh for more polic�, na matt�r �he num�er aiready employed <br />and no matter whe�her the crime rate is rising ar f�lling. Some cities need more cop�, others don't. Bu# every <br />ei�y says it needs "more." T�tey �ceep i�iring more affc�rs ev�n as �hey enha�ce pensions, e�couraging more <br />officers to retire at an earlier age, which only exacerf��tes the sn-calied shor��ge. Private a�ternatives to <br />cos#fy fir� departm�nts and paramed�c services are nonstarters because nf the fear af unian strifie. It's t�me <br />to base public sa�€ety decisions on objective facfiars (e.g., respanse �imes, crime rates) anc� on �he public's <br />bes# interest. As police ar�d fire devnur mor� ar�d more of city b�dgets, ather senrices are edged vut. It's <br />iime to put the public inierest bac�C into public saf�*ty paiicy maicing. <br />http://www.ocregister.corn/ncregister/opinion/columns/article�l� �'f3Q/2007 <br />