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uprnion: rree tne c�Lies � c�ry, cztke�, azzzcia�s - v�;�t.e���n <br />Poinf 5 is fior city official� to embrace the nuts�andwbol#s of city go�ernance. <br />rage ;� o� � <br />As city officials fancy themse}ves as plat�ners ��td socia� engineers who will r�make th�ir cities at�d <br />transform the folks wha live #here, they incr�asingly farget their basic responsibilities. Santa Ana nught to be <br />renamed Pothol� City, e�e� as k�e cour�cil �aromates its Arts Distric#. Huntington Beacfi City Gouncil <br />members embraced envirar�mentai politics, yet ignored their crumbiing sewers unti� the distric� attorney �led <br />criminal charges against them. Officials lave to dabble in "redeueloprnent," but are notnriously bad at dealing <br />with t�e less-glamarous aspects of city go�ernanr,e that the citixenry depends upon. A new city agenda <br />should �e focusec! arr providing tl�e best seruices in the mos� e�cient and cus�omer�friendly manner, no� in <br />b�il�ing senior cen#ers, f�ncy �ools and r�ew c�owntowr�s. <br />Cities r�eed to �Ceep fees and taxes low. City staff should be helpf�l to oustorners. Hey, why not schedu�e <br />office �ours at times tha� suit thnse customers, �at #Mat s�it cifiy war�Cers? Y�t cities are ir�creasir�gly closing <br />t�eir offices Fridays so that workers �awe another day nff. Cities need to look at pri�atization and at <br />shedding unnecessary departments — Sandy Springs, Ga., pri�atized the entire city (with the exception of <br />pub�ic safety senrices) ar�d is far better run and more efficient ihan neigh�oring cities. This new urhar� <br />agenda alsa wo�(d er�d S�bsidies and s�eciai privileges for politically weii-cnnnected businesses, with a goal <br />of tre�iing a�l businesses —�rom a taco stand �o a b�g corporafie player — in the �ame fiair, resp�ctful manner. <br />Next t€me a potentia� city council candidate comes to yaur door t� ask for suppart, do�'� ask if the c�ndidate <br />is a Republican or ��mocrat, lib�ral or cor�servatiue. At the city le�el, those distinc#ions mear� little. Ask i� the <br />candidate s�pports a new, freedom-friendly urban agenda before pledging your support. <br />Contact the writer: sgre��hut a[,,7acr�gister,com or 714-796-7823 <br />lN�at'� yaur apinion? <br />Wa�t to commenfi nn what yo�'ve j�st read? Fill in t1�e fnrm belnw. <br />Your comrnerots will be considered for publication oniine or as a <br />I�tter to the ec��tor in The �range Caun#y Registe�. <br />NAME: <br />� . .�..,.,.�r�._.M.._.,.M .............�......,.. <br />SUBJECT: <br />CaMMENT: <br />CETY OF RESIDENCE:E-NIAIL ADDRESS: <br />,...�..,.�,......�,��..,.....N.:._...�.�.,w, .,..,..�,�_..u�......:..,.,,......:....::. <br />� � <br />. .._. .,��� <br />�� <br />http://www.ocregistez. com/ocr��ister/opinion/columr�s/�icle_l 781120.php 7/30/2007 <br />