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�.31 �sts i� AI� the �i+lrong Pris�rities--H�iv not to govern.: �t�s�ville �s��es ra�uu�n: Ew�d�ma�r��y.C�rg �c�... 1'�g� 2 of 2 <br />My �oiks came fr�m �arm �nun�ry, h�� raisin� cra�nt�ry in leawaa �iy dad alav�ys <br />�alk�d a[�o�� l�ow t�e smallest, ��e "rcan�" it� a Eitt�r o� pi�s, the v�eake�� af <br />th� litt�r, �aa� push� c�€�t af a�c�rad plac� a�, th� "f�eriin� tresu�h", ��e t�at� <br />of th� m��F��r. The runt �tways �ot t�e "hind (v�orst) tit"e ih� strcan� �nd the <br />p�w�r�ui ta�ak vv�r th� bes� tfts wi�h �h� most m�lk. <br />I fee� +�ae �-es�dent� of Ros�vilte have beer� shu�tea� ba�k �o the "hi�d �it" by <br />p�wre�ul sp�ciaE i��e�'ests -- the city ptanners and devetra�ers. T ay t� �ei �'" � <br />�ur priori�i�s bac�C is ta s��r� wi��t the �asicsn Ge� �id c�f t�°"��N� ���`��""� `...�,�'�•��.. <br />5irar�g Mana��r f�rm c�f �ov�rnmer�� (Class �), r�eve�i bacEc to a 5tr��r�g Cc���c�E, <br />Weafc l�ana�er type, c�r �4 to a Char��r fcarrr9 af {�a��r�rt�ent. G�t rid r�� ar�y <br />Cr�unci� ��at canrtotlwilt no� pu� it"s ci�izer�s �irst. <br />1r� �he mean�ime, pt�a� tet aur presen� pro-de�relopm�nt rnind�d Crauncit m�jority <br />[cncaw w+e ar� v�n! ur�hap�y� wit� the� at�d th�ir betnved �taff ��at i�nores �h�t'� <br />b��i �'�r� �as �i�izens. <br />A! 5anc4� <br />�°�a� f��lovv�ng �a�e w�s a�d.ed �ca �his �c�pic. <br />, _ n . � . :� .. �. �, . , <br />h�://fa��-d�mocra,cy.�rg/gra�ap�{�c�seville-issu�s/m�ssag��l�opic/6b�iT�I�a�.Iul6cZgP��1�4 7129/2007 <br />