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�«.u� tac v�i t,tic agv�AUa. t�.��tu�vt►�� tAtv .t�v.t�1t� �tt�VG�� <br />Frorr�: <br />To: GI�Y.COli11CII�Ci.1"C)S@V1IIG.1'11C1.US <br />Z:C: b1��.filalf#18f1 QQCI.�LiSG'Vfi1@.ft1Ci.E1S <br />5ubject: lterr� 92e on the agenda: Approving ih� AIJAR proress <br />Date: Mon, 23 Jul 20Di 2:36 prrt <br />1. '�he AUA�2 shrsudn't be �er�t to agencies until a�ter public comment has been recei�ed and incarparated into it. <br />rag� � ar� <br />2. it will be impnssibke for �c�uncil tn dec[are this AUAR update as "cnmpiete a�d accurat�" �t �fl�f �IRI� b�Cs�US bf �hG' d15C011i12C� <br />b�tween the real iwin l.a#ces Compreher�si�e Plan, as amended by Caur►ci[ an 612fi1q1, and tt�e Fantasy Twin l.akes <br />Camprehensive Plan as declared in this�AllAR. Enclosed are: <br />A. Excerpts frarn the Friends of TWin i.ake5 vs. Ciy of Rosevilie A�pea�s Caurts �ecision ruling that the master plan ap�rn��d <br />6/26/0'[ is an am�t�dmen� to the 7win Lakes Comprehensive Plan ar�d made by Couhcii ancE integral part of t�e iwin Lak�� <br />Comprehensive P9an, �s was �Iso the 2Q01 AUAR. <br />B. My comm�ntary explaining the di�#�rence beiw�en tt�e rea[ 7win �,�kes Mast�r i'lan, and the str�nge clairns made i�at ih� <br />theee scenarios in the AUAR update are cansistent with the 7win ��kes Master Plan. They are not cansistent with the com� �Ian. <br />EXCERPT FR4N� THE STATE C.)F M�NNESUTA G(IURT 4F APPEALS 4P�N�flN <br />FRIENDS QF TWIN �AKES VS. CITY OF ROSEVILLE ET AL <br />F'�LED AUGUST 1D, 240G <br />CQMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT <br />...THE CITY RELIED nN AN ATTURNEY'S OPINION THAT A MASTER 1'LAN IS <br />��NO'T�IIN� iVIOitE T�IA.N A CONTRAC'T, a� coU�� BE �oo�� ��r as � s�T� <br />SPECIF�C `OFF�CIAL CON�TROL' WHICH G4VERNS DEV�LOPMENT IN THE AREA.... <br />[AND� IT I5 N4T A PART OF A COMPT�EHEN5I�E PLAN". BUT THI5 IGNOItES THE <br />FACT T�AT THE C�TY MADE THE MASTER PLA,N A PART OF �TS C4MPREHENSIVE <br />PLAN BY AMENDMENT. <br />A"CQMPREHENSIVE PLAN" IS DEFINED BY STATITTE AS "THE <br />COMPREHENSIVE PL.A�N �F EACH LOCAL GQVERNMENTAL UNTT DESC�,IBED IN <br />SECT�QNS 473.858 TQ 473.862, AND AIVYAMENDMENTS TD THE PLAN." MINN. STATE <br />S 473,SS2, SUB, 5(20�4) (EMPHASIS ADDED}. N4 ONE D�SFUTES THAT HERE THE <br />MASTER PLAN IS A�T AMENDMENT TO THE CITY' S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. <br />TI-�EREF4RE, THE MASTER PLAN IS WITHYN THE STATUTORY DEF�NITION QF A <br />"C�MPRE�IENSIVE PLAN" <br />�F�cx�'e�+rxo'exiex3ede��"e-.�e��koF�'c�eTex�x��Yok�k�-Je�Yokxok9ex�N9e��e�oF�'ekxx <br />'�ttp:l/ S/aol/en-uslMail/�'riniMessage.aspx '7/23/20�7 <br />