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�����, a�c v�� ���� a����ua: .r��,�ruv�x�� �tx� �v�-�tc proCess <br />The „Twin Lakes Mastear P�an�, as pe.r tl�e_Tw�n Lakes,Fi�al A.UAR. updat� Ju� 11, 2007(cantinucd: <br />-�'a�;e 11. <br />Yage 3 of� <br />F� <br />"The 2001 Master Plan alsa includes �'a�.tr fizture la�d us� �naps "(Uptions 2, 3, and 9�" azad the Twi�z Lakes AUAR <br />Futt.�re Land Use Scenario'")and s�veral pages of t�xt ........>' <br />Not T�ue. 4ptions 2, 3, an� � ciescribed in Niap 3 were superceded �y action of �he Co�eil on Januaty 8, 200� and <br />June 26, 20Q1. The Twin La�Ces AUAR Future Land Use �cenario is the exclusive land use plari by action ofthe <br />Cauncil an Ju�€e 26, 2001. T�� 6126141 Co�nci� packet shows Dennis Welsch, then t�e develop�nent direetar, urged t�e <br />Council to vote in only one of two possib�e plans. The other possible plan would have permitted big bax retail on <br />parcels 6& 7 in sub area II. <br />C4NCLUS�4N <br />It looks to rr�e li�Ce the canfidence and trust that �he people af Ros�viile place in their government has been <br />violated by the twisting and ma�.nipulatio� of fact� in rhis propose� AUAR, �rzd that the Council will become a willin� <br />aecoamp�ice ta this injustice if Couzacil actually approves t�is AL7AR as "complete and accurate" as staff is requesti�g, <br />even though they icnow, or shouid know, that �he July 11,20�7 AUAR docutnent inc�udes assertions t�at are "false" <br />andlar "inaccurate". <br />Council needs to stop this flawed pr�cess z�ow, and ga back ar�d do it �ight, c�r abandon thu AUAR process <br />completely and rely in the fizture on individ�za.t EAW's instead of a cara.�ed AUAR approach, as recomme�ded by t�e <br />City's attorneys (see tettez from legal counsel Squzres and Anderson in their letter tc� #.he Cor�ncil c�ated October 4, <br />2Q06). <br />���:��*���*�����������::�:�:������:�:�:����������� <br />I wish to paint out that Mayor Klausing was one af the �ve cauncil persons unanimausly voting on June 2&, <br />2001 �o amend the plan �o liznit it to Scenario # 1. He has full knawlcdge of the history ai th� Twin Lakes Master P1an, <br />and has a very stron�; obligation tp leaci the way on �is issue. Mayor Klausizag, ynu know be�ter t�an io go along with <br />this AUAR �'iasco. You've been �here through this en#ire process, ar�d are or s�ould be fi.illy aware af the trut�. Please <br />do �he ri�ht thin�; an� act aecordingly. <br />http://web��ra128518/aol/en-us/Mail/PrintMessage.aspx 7123/2007 <br />