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�tetn t�e on t�e a�enda: Approvxn� the AUAK process <br />Paroposed Twiu Lakes AUAR <br />J�ly l l, 2007 <br />AI Sands Commentary July 23, 2007 <br />T6e Real Twi� Lakes Master Pla�: <br />June 2&, 2Q0� Mi�utes: <br />t'age � o�� <br />-x <br />i <br />Mastel znoved, Maschka secon�ed, by resolution, to approve t�e final arx�end�aaez�t of t�e Compre�ensive Plan for the <br />Twi� La�es Business Park area �rorn "�usiness" and "Industrial" to "Business Paxk" as desc�ibed 'zn the Twin Lakes <br />Masier Plan da�ed June 26, 2Q01 ar�d as arnended by Council with the Seena�io # 1. The amenci�xa�en:t shall also <br />included the fi�d'zngs of the AUAR a�d mitigation plan. Roll Ca.l�, Ayes: Goedeke, Mastel, Klausing, Masehka, and <br />Kysy�yczyn. Na�s: none. <br />T�� Twin Lakes Mas�er Pla.n is fi�rther zden�ified in pages 9-11 0� the document titIed "Tvvin Lak�s Master P1an", and <br />as per the map id�ntified as Map S, Future Land Use Scenario. <br />The Twin�Lakes Master Pl�n, as per the Twim L�kes Fina� AU.AR ut�d�te Juty 1�., 2007. <br />-Page I Q: <br />"The AUAR u�date revie�vs three deve�opment se�z�arios that are consistez�t with the adopt�d co�nprehensive plan <br />(Fi�;czre f .2). <br />This statement is nat true. Figure 6.2 is a xnap showzng Twin Lakes is d�si��ated as a Busi�ess Park in the <br />Comprehensive Plan. It ignores the '�'win Lakes Master Plan included in the Twin Lakes Corrtpre�.ensive Pia� as an <br />a�endrnez�t dat�d 6f26/01. <br />ActuaIly, none of the three �roposed sc�narias a�r� cansistent with t�� Twin Lakes Mastear Plan as amended 6/26/Q 1. <br />That is a false sta�ernent based on a false prernise of what ca�asti�u�es the Twi� Lakes Corr�prehe�sive �lan. <br />http:/lweharr��aral2$S 1 S/ao�/en-us/Mai�/k'rintMessage.aspx 7123I2��7 <br />