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Prop€rsed Tr�vin Lakes AUAR <br />July 11, 2007 <br />A1 Sands Cam�entary July 23, 2Q07 <br />The Real '�CVin Lakes Master Plau: <br />June 26, 2001 Minutes: <br />Mas�el moved, Maschka secanded, by resalutian, to approve �e fiial amez�d�ne�t af �e <br />Carnprehe�sive Plan �nr the Twin Lakes Business Park area fron�a "Bu�iness"' arzd <br />"Industrial" t€� "Busi�ess �'az�" as desc�bed in the Twi�n Lal�es Master Plan da�ed J�e <br />26, 2001 and as amer�deci. by Cor�ncil wit� the Scsnar�o #�l. T�e �nenc�ment sl�all also <br />included the �ndin�s of the AUAR and tniti�ation plan. Roll Call, Ayes: Goede�e, <br />Maste�, Kla�sing, Maschlca, and Kysylye�yn. Nays: nQne. <br />The Twin Lakes Master Plan is f�,u�ther identified in �ages 9-11 o�t�e doc�rr�ent titted <br />"Twin Lakes Master Plan", and as per the map idsntified as Map 6, Futuare Land Use <br />Scertario. <br />The Twin Lakes Master Plan as er the Tw�n La�es Final AUAIt u date Ju �� <br />2007: <br />-k'age � 0: <br />"�"he AUAR update reviews three deve�opment scenarios �hat �-a consistent with th:e <br />adopt�d eomprehensive plan (�i�ure 6.2). <br />This staternent is not true. �i�re 6.2 zs a znap �howi�:g Twin Lakes is designated as a <br />Susiness Park in the Corraprehensive Plan. It ignores t�.e Twin Lakes Master pla� <br />i�cluded in the Tr7vin Lakes Co�npr�h�nsive Plari as ar� a�nendme�t datec� 6/26/01. <br />Actually, none of the t�ree prc�posed sce�a.�rzos are cansistent wit� the Twin Lakss Master <br />Plaan as a.�e�ded 6126/Ol . That is a�alse staternent based on a false premise of what <br />consti�t�s the Twin Lakes Compreh�nsive Pian. <br />