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Thc Twin Lakes Mastear P�an, as ner ��e Twi� Lakes Final AiJAR �ps�ate J�€iv 11� <br />20Q7(co��ttued• <br />-Page It. <br />"The 2001 Master Plar� also i�cludes four future lan.d use maps "(Uptians 2, 3, and 4" and <br />the Twin Lalces AUAR �'ut�re Land i.lse �c�xario")and several pages o� text ........".. <br />Not Tru�. Options 2, �, and 4 described in Map 3 were super�eded by ac�tan of the <br />Cour�cil on Jant�ary 8, 200� and Jwne 26, 24�1. The Twin Lakes AUAR F�ture Land Use <br />Scenario is th� exctusrve la.nd us� plan iay action a�'the Councit on June 26, 2041. "�e <br />6/26/U 1 Council pac�Cet shows Dennis Welsch, then the develapme�t� t�ir�;ctar, urged the <br />Councii to vote in only on� of two possible plans. The other passib�� plan would have <br />permitted retai� on parcels 6&'� in sub area II. <br />C(iNCLUS�ON <br />It loo�cs to me like the cun�`idence and trust that �e people a£ Rose�ilte place in <br />ttaeix �orrern�ent has 6een �iola�ed by th� twist�ng and aka�aa.n�pulation c�f facts ir� this <br />proposed AU.AR, and �at the Cc�uxaci� will beco�e a willing accamplice to �is i�justice <br />if Council ac�ually approves t11is AUAR as "co�plete and accurate" as sta�'�' is requesting, <br />even though they kno�r, or �hould knaw, that the J�y 11,2007 AUAR dacwmer�t includes <br />assertians that are "false"' az�cllar "inaccurate". <br />Cowr�cil needs iv sto� this flawed process naw, and go back a�ad do it �ght, or <br />abandon t�e AUAR process caznple�ely and rely in the fiYture on indivi�ual EAW's <br />instead of a canned AUAR approach, as recomrnend�d by t�e City's atto�eys (sec lettsar <br />frorn legal eouinsel Squ�res and .Anc�erson in thezr letter to �he Council ��ed Oc�aher 4, <br />2006). <br />��:�*��x�*��a�������x����x�:*���***�:�:�����*�x��*� <br />i wisi� to poin.� out that Mayor K.�ausing was one af tlae five couneil persons <br />iznanirno�sly voting on J�ae 26, 2001 to arn�nd t�e pla� ta Iimit it to Scenario #1. He has <br />ful� knowledge of the histocy of �a:e T�virz Lakes N�aster P�an, a�d has a very s�roz�g <br />obligation to Iead the way on this issue. Mayor K�ausiz�g, you icno�v better than ta �a <br />along with th�s AUAR fiasca. You've been t�,ere tk��nug� this enti�re �rocess, and �.re or <br />should be fully aware o� the trut�. �'lease da the rig�t �ing and aet accordingly. <br />2 <br />