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�t.3 Minnesota De �t'#me�ti �4' N�t�tral Resaurces 1�R : T1he DNR com�nents were in <br />referenc� �a possib�e pe�its rer}uired fa:r wor� affectir�g DNR prateeted wetlands ar�d <br />prc�tected wa�rs; requ�red p�r�nnits w�en dewatering more than IO,OQO gallons a day, <br />ar ane milt�on galidns per year, raquireme�ts of Shoreland Mar�agernez�t Orc�inatxce <br />tl� nntxst be addressed, starmwater iechniques to ciecrease water runof�` into pratecteci <br />v;raters, trail cE�t�t�ectio�s encouraged, Preservation of County Ditch �t arzd sugges�ed <br />devetopment co�trals ta protect erosian ar�d preserve and enhance na�ura.l habitat. <br />The DNR was encoura�ed by the decrease in irnpervivus surfaces gropc�sed for tlze <br />azea and has afF�red assistat�c� in ti�e pracess as develapment oecurs. <br />4.4 Fredriksa� & B ron P.A. a�o1'#t� rspresen�ia��: fhe R�aII Fa�niiv who are <br />owners of redevelonmer�t area #7.): Tk�e lwtter sxplains �e d�s�r� af �t€�e properry <br />awners to create a retail use within redevelopment area #7. Atthough no�inal <br />comment� were provided regarding the envira�enta� impacts, tl�e letter suppo�fis <br />retail t�ses based u�n ass�urances that any irrapacts g�erated from �at us� could b� <br />addr�ss�d by �e properry owners. <br />S . 0 NIIT�GATI�N FAC'i'OR� <br />5.1 City consu�tant DSV has prepared tk�e :m:�tigatian a�tached plar� (Attaclunent #�) <br />ac4dr�ssing �he evzz�ne.�ts oi �h� above agen�ies and suggestic�ns fror� sta� to red�ce <br />any negative environmenta� i�npact. These mea5t�res will be further rcviev�ed and <br />�plain� in detail at �he pubiic hearirtg. <br />G.0 COMPREHENSNE PLAN AMENDMENT <br />6.l G�rrently the Tvvin Lakes Master Plan area has a ca�prehensive pla� designativn o� <br />both "Busine�" and "Tndustrial" (refar to ea�ist�ng cc�m�pre�ensive plan rnap <br />attached). <br />G.2 � 1994 a Twin Lakes Master Plan vvas ac{apted as part a�' the Comprehensive Plan <br />but the land use designa�ion was nnt officially changed. <br />6.3 With the re�cwed Tw� �,alces Master Plan pz•ac�ss that began in Jan�ary of 200U; 4/ <br />sta�' is �om�end� that a new designation �e cr�ateci tv �e1p address and suppcsr� <br />the lar�d uses proposed in Redevelopment Scenario 1 and/or Scenario .1,�i.:,� ' <br />6.4 Staff reec�m�aenc�s that a Cornprehensi^ve Plan "Busi�ess Papk" desi�ion t�r; <br />apparaved for Twiri Lak�,s. A Bus�ness Park i� an o�ce park with a mix of se€vice <br />retai� and haus�ng that w€��fd serv� as a mare lavable campus set�ing. It is defined as a <br />ge�graphically iden�fiable area wY�ich contairrs an architec.�turally cansis�ent rnix o�' <br />ofiice, af�c�labaratory, offic�shawrc�m wareho�asing, biatec�nical, binmedieal, <br />high-tech software and f�ardware prod�ction uses wit'h support services such as <br />limi�d r�ait, heafih, � fim�, lodging; a�d muhif�mily housing. The Busit��ss Pari� <br />has well-plar�neci roads, utilities, lwndin$.and canv�nunicatior� syskems. Parr,e�s <br />witriin a$usin.ess Park �ave aecess to az� i�ternal garkway audlor egternal Cauuty <br />rnindr atte.rials �as we3l as acr.ess to tl�e I�tersta.te Highway System. Emphasis is <br />p�ac�xxi on ereating a unique, safe and high-�q�lity vvQrk and play environment by <br />F'F3Z32 — RCA(D626ti1) Page 3 af 6 <br />