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ir�,s�allatian nf extraord�nary, architecturally distinct buildings, t�ansit an� <br />transpo�tio� secvices, site p�anning, landscap'�g, parks, traiis an� lighting. <br />b.5 Th� commercial industr�al goals and policies of the Ci�y of Roseviile as described in <br />Section 3 of th� Coznprehensive �'lan (as revised in 3anuary, 2000) are fi�rther supported <br />by �h:e praposed �'win Lakes Master Pian (Attachmen� #l} �'eat�ares which inc�ude the <br />fo9lowing: <br />a. Create a buffer to protect and enhance the p�zblic enjay�rtent af L�zgton Lake. <br />�. Prntect the residential �eighbarhoods with les,s intrusive larad uses. <br />e. Create a livable envirt�nment with a mix of uses. <br />d. Create corr�patibility between r�ses and builc�ng desi�s. Miniit�ize the iinpaet of <br />connz�aereial i�af#"�c onto zesident�a� streets; reduce congestion at ma�n intersections. <br />Clean up soil and grnundwa�er pot��tinn. <br />f. Provide a range of quality jobs. <br />g, Diversify t.�e tax hase. <br />h. Fro�cride a�lexible land use plan. <br />i. Locate uses in areas where they can best take advantage of necessary market <br />forces. <br />6.G In addit�on, t�e proposed Twin �.akes Master Plan e�bodies the following policies: <br />a. T�e City encourages a�fice and offce-high tech asserrtbly, and medical and <br />biotech uses w�Zere �ey have i�nmediate ac�ess to CQUnty Road and freeway. <br />h. The City encaurages li�ited, i�tegrated or rn�ced-use `°support" retazl, restaurant <br />a.t�d ladging uses in appropriaie locations, where custotners wi11 ha�e easy access <br />from their job lvcations in Twin �,akes Business Park ar�d from t�►e Rasc�le area. <br />c, Tli� City enct��rages a nnix nf offce and �igh-teck� uses with zziu�tipie residential <br />uses where t1�ey can ta�e advac�tage of the amenities o�`ered by the parks west a�:d <br />south of Oasis Park, and in a zz�ixed OffcelResidentiai area on the �west �d <br />soukk�east sides oi Langtan Lake. In eifect the mui�iple residenc� areas becnzne #he <br />"new edge" to the existing adjoining residen�ial axeas. <br />d. T�e Ci�y allows existing nan-coninrmin� ��s, mosi notably the truc�C�ng <br />operations, to reznain as pre-existing, naneonforming uses un�i a more <br />compatible, permitted business park use sueeeeds t�ie trucking use. I� the City <br />shoutd ciecide to rezone, the City will adopt zoning ar a plaz�z►ed unit deve�opment <br />in which �ese �on-co�'or�aiu�g uses may re�air�, but wi11 be �ncouraged to move <br />to newer, �ore er�viroru�entally eampa#�ble areas. speci�ca�ly designed and <br />suppo�ted by raads and infraslruct�zre for such �es, consistent with this Plan ar in <br />other approved rnetropoli�ar� areas. <br />e. The City encaurages �uaJity site design in new developments, to include <br />lartdscapi�g, signage, ber�ng, light�ig, tocation af niulti-siory builda�g� rvith <br />buildings, parking ar�d access, a�d other eiemen#s w�ieh wi�l ens�.2ze compatibility <br />with adjac�nt lar�d uses, and with their own internal functioning. It r��I� be t�Ze <br />PF3232 — RCA(062501) Page 4 of 6 <br />