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S.4 SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTIONS: <br />5. i Invite public comment orz �e Tvc�in Lakes Master Pian Itenewai Strategy <br />Cn�prehensive Pian arriend�nent. <br />3.2 �f#�e�' � resulutian (d�a�t �ttached} co�Gttt7'ing with the Planning Corr�missiort, 1 <br />�at wouId approve a.�ad adopt the business park strategy a�ad t.�e rr�ix of scenarzcss ��,� <br />as the "concept" amendment to t.�e Comprehensive Pla�, to he used as the basis � <br />fnr an Alternate Urban Area-t�ide Re�iew (AUAR}. �'i�al Cour►cil adoptian ni ' <br />t�Ze Campre�ezzsive P�an amer�drr�ent w�ll oec€�r an�y a�er revi�w c�f th� AU1�R <br />findings and contingent upon review and approval by �e Metropoli#an Council. <br />5.3 By r�otian, direct sta�iFtc� �arepare a work pian far an AUAR study of the <br />recoa�nr�end�d "concept" amendrnent to tl�e C€�mprehensive Plan for Tw� Lalc�s <br />as presented (area map attached) witi� f�al approva� of a wor� pl� and costs <br />assaciated with �e pracess to �e considered by Council at a meeting in iate <br />January. <br />S.4 By me�#ion, direct staffto expand t�e AUAR wor� p�an �o include a separate <br />study �cenario for the Regan parc�ls �acatec� in tt�� soutl�east sector (area croas <br />hatchs� on map) that wou�d re�iew t�e i�.apacts of �e "Bi�; Bax Retail" us� based <br />upon the 1988 master plar� that incl�aded t�is area as retail. <br />Prepared by: De�is Welsc� (�90-2232) and Cathy Bennett (49U-2241) <br />Attacl�m�nt: Draft Resolutfon, Proposed Twin Lakes R�n�wal Strategy Plan Map <br />Q:1PI�ttning F'ilesl3232 TwinLa��esRomwedFlaalRCAlYvin%aicea((O10$Dt�dac <br />P�'3232 -- ItCA(til�80i) Pa�e b of 6 <br />