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'}�i� <br />5. $ig bax retail and st�rip retaii centers are nat reeommended as a primary, stand <br />aione use {cor�zpat�ea� io suppoct reta�! in mixed use bui�da��s} because aft�Ze <br />increased Eevel of Lcaff'ic, hours of ap�ration, reduc�r! job generation, Iower <br />wage str�.�cture, and generally, the lawer val�e t�� buildirtg finish. Because <br />retail rvas designated in th� original 1987 plan, the P�annin� Commiss�on <br />recomme�ded that a second scenario be studied far the southeast portion of <br />the business park (Regan Prapert�es). <br />A txtix of 4ption 2 a�d 3(offee/medical, ta#�%ce hi-tech fl�x and housing, page 8) <br />is a mueh impro�ed anc! still f�exible fit for the Twin Laices Business Parlc � <br />existing €�ew buildings and fizture buildings, and for the surroun€iir►g area. It is <br />most cansistent with t�e e�isxing cnmprehe�sive plan business par� aancept, <br />providing more la�r�d use de�ail and better environme�tal clea.r�-up but with less <br />tra�c impact on the adjacent residential n�ighborhaod and busir�ess park users <br />(cocnpared to heavy inc��straa! �ruc�ir��; or retai� uses). A mix of uses (�nci�d�ng <br />support services and support retail) r�rithin parcets and within individuai buitdings <br />is rr:commended where possible. Se�eeting.this variation also improves (with <br />goad site plannin�} �e park-to-4ake iand use transition inta tl�e business pa�k. <br />Adding so�ne [nultiple hausing is also suggested ta enabt.e a better buffer betwe�n <br />the existing neighborhood and the b�ssiness par�C and �o Ynaximize the a�ivantag� <br />of the Lac�gton� Lake and park. There is a strong market for bati� high-end rentals, <br />worl�fprce rental and ownership town homes in Roseville especially witlz the higk� <br />emplay��nt base and shift sn quality of tife focus. '�ork with �e 35W Coalitian <br />and the Metro Council has showz� that more penple are choosing to iive closer to <br />war� and recreatianal and cultural axr�eni�ies av�ilable in frrst ring suburbs. <br />PLANN�NG C011�1NNIISS�ON REC4MMENll3ATIO�iS: <br />i <br />.���� <br />�A . <br />�� <br />�` <br />+���� <br />��� <br />Y� <br />4.1 After a sur�rr�ary of the strategy and the findiu�gs fro�n the focus group rneetings, �� <br />a �� / <br />and public eomment, the Plaz�ning Commission adopted ar�d recomrnended a mix "/ <br />of optinns 2 and 3�see la�►d use map attach�d). � <br />4.2 In addition, �he Planning Cotnmission recorn�ended a second study scenarin fcrr <br />the Regan parcels located in the southeast sectar (area cross hatched on tna�} that <br />would review t�e i�pacts of the `Big $ox Re#ai1" use based upon t(�e 1988 <br />master pla.n that incl�►ded tt�is area as retail. The AUAR pracess requires �at land <br />awn�r p�ans for sitss be �reviewed as pa�t of the process. <br />P�3282 W RCA(b1�801) Page 5 af 6 <br />