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Excerpt <br />City of Rc�sevi�ie planning Commission �raft Meeting Minutes <br />December 13, 2Qt�0 <br />6b, Pla�ni�tt� Fa�e 3232: A reyuesi 6y the City of Roseville ta arr►e�ad thie <br />Comprehensive Land Use Pla.r� designation oF tha Twin Lafces Redevelopment <br />Area from its c�arrenl: designation af Business (B) and industriat (I) to Husin�ss <br />Paxk (BP), a new land use d�signK€tion. The Tw€n �.akes Redevelopzn�nt Area is <br />gen�ralIy tocated east of Clevelanc! Avenue, wesi af I.,i�coin Drive, sout� of <br />County Road C2 and Brenner A�enue, and north of Caunty Road C. A�p of <br />the specific pazcels can be obtained fro�n the Rpseville Cprnmunity Developrnent <br />Departrr�eni. <br />Chair Klausing opened th� heating and reynested Catl�y �ennet� to explain the 'Fwin <br />Lalc�s proposed amendme�t to tt�e Master Plan as provided in staff reports dated <br />Decernber 13, 200U. She reviewed goals and objectives and pIanning prineiptes. Ms. <br />Bennett explained the history, the planni��g proeess, and presented the sta.ff <br />recomnaendation. <br />Metnber Mulder asked iF �scai disparities were figured into the fit►ancial feasibility. <br />Member Mulder encnuraged fiexibitity. '�ihis is a vision. 'I"here zs no speci�ic proposat <br />"in the wings". Parkang is izx�portar►t. How does the City get hig�aer density/ratnped <br />par�ing? '�'hers will be new drainage and parkin� designs needed. Cat� can be sareez�ed <br />ma�ing a� more open, invixing site. <br />Member Otson noted in (�ptinn 3 proposed housing along the north side. There may be <br />Iess o£ a zxaixiz�g of uses. fihe noied tl�at the GIP puts fumding into Twin T,akes �'arkw�y — <br />expiain. <br />Mernber Cunnin,gham ask�d if tiaere was a demand for a hospital. <br />Chair Klausing asked how the pieoes would fit togethar, Couid ttae Co�missinn identify <br />itsms tt�at should be loeat�d there`? Chair Klausing asked fnr detail abnut what the area <br />rrtigF�t deveiop irtto. <br />Mennber Ri�ody noted that #�is is a vision oi a bloctc of land uses w#►ich tt�e City will <br />ir�vite pmpasats for new land uses oWer the nsxt 20 years. <br />Co�nments: <br />St�ve. Miller, Daminium xruck Termina3/Freight, 2750 Cleveland Avenue, ttoting staff <br />recomcnendation 3.5, asleed what "intrusia�" �r,eant. What creates more of an intrusion, <br />truc�Cing at the ather uses proposed by the staff? �.aw building yuality dp�s �xist bacause <br />the trucking industry will not reinvest wiihout cIear-cut assurances frotn the City. <br />Truaking has ecanornic hardships; diesel iu�f is expe�nsive; drivers are at $58.OD/hour; �ut <br />ti�e relocation casts much :mnre. It adds cost and congestion to freeways. <br />