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Chair Kiausing asked i�hat options would occur for t�e Iand irj the �ture. Mr. Mitler <br />recommended tabling The issue untit property owr�ers rrzeet to resolve issues. Truak <br />traffic is minirt�al. Can true�Cing remain and be compa�ible? <br />Seari Regan said he tiked the City's effort to pian for the furure. The scenarin 4 Frusho€f <br />and Masa buiidings (both of which Ms. Regan awns) are candida#es for redevelopment. <br />Traffic iss�es will be addressed in the AUAR. �'he staff recor�ar�endation scenariti of <br />multi-t�oh, high tech/flex, rs in demand, but is the low value aption. Mr. Regan asked for <br />a retail scenario to be studied as well as the staff suggestions. How cauld a further <br />discussinn apparnanity be createc�? The property nwners may want tn be heard. There ara <br />nu�r�erous �nanciai issues t4�at should be evaluated — especiaily the impact on properiy <br />owners. <br />Patricia .io�nsan, 2986 Mildred brive, noted that Twir� �.akes is an evolving process, nat <br />a whvlesale cha�ge. An exat�aple of good ptanning was the resuits at Centre �'ointe, after <br />many years oiF no activity. She urged the Co�nmissinn to rnore farward, ereative ta�c base. <br />Mernber Muider noted that the City is nat seizing land but plat�i�g �ar the iutur� use af <br />the land. He said the plan prnvides directian, but he daes not want b€g-box retail. The <br />staff recommentiations gre good, except th�re tnay be a ne�d for boutique stnres, deli ar►cf <br />cnffea shops. <br />Claair Klausing z�af.�d tf�at ptanning, moving in a direction, can be a seti fulfitting <br />prophecy. Delay by 30 or 6Q days may not help. T'here are oppo►tunzties far input as the <br />study process proceeds. <br />Me�nbers Rhody and Uisor� felt that talsling the item would na# help tlae process. <br />Mofion; Mem�ber Klausing naoved, secoad by Member Rl�ody, to adopt <br />Itesolution No. 3232 (Revising the Text anc� �..and Use Map Designatinns <br />of ttFe Exiscing Plan adopted in 1994, as amended, by incorpnra�zag the <br />Twztt Lakes Bus�ess Park Master Plan Renewal Strategy of 2004 with <br />the staff land use sce�zaria af Decembee l3, 2DU0 and recommended <br />f�srther study of retai� optlrazzs wi�in t.�e so�theast sect�pn of the business <br />park, subject to an AUAR. � <br />Ayes: S <br />Nays: o <br />Mntion oarri�d. <br />