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I <br />2 <br />3 <br />Special City Cauncil Mee�ing <br />Manday, August 06, 2007 <br />Pa�e 3 <br />into play and how City �epresentatfves �reat aIl Roseville residents and <br />vi�itors. <br />4 Ms. Bosch observed ihat this media eoverage had raised �he ire of the <br />5 �ntire comrnunity, not necessarily toward city representat�ves or pea-- <br />6 ple a� color, bui rather toward the Human Righ�s Chair, Ms. Dcimore. <br />7 Ms. Bosch opined �hat thas provided an excellent miz-�oring oppariu- <br />8 nity for the com�nunity, how it proiects and how ii doesn't, and noted <br />9 that while �hese statements are hers personally, the Human Righ�s <br />10 Commzssion had been d��cusszng these vezy issues. Ms. Bosch noted <br />1.1. that, d�e to the media eoverage, people were paying close attention to <br />12 city represen�atives and Police ofificers. <br />13 <br />�4 4n a s�parate issue, Ms. Bosch r�layed a messag� from her husband, <br />15 also an ardent suppaartear o�' �aw en�'orcement, expxesszng concerns with <br />16 excessive speed in the��r xesidential neighborhood between County <br />� 7 Road B-2 and C, between Hamline and Snelling Avenues. �s. Bosch <br />1 S noted several separate mciden�s during the summer when vehicies <br />19 w�re draving at excessive speeds, apparently obliviaus to pedes�rian <br />20 and bicycle tra�fic on those �oads. NIs, Boseh advised that her hus- <br />2� band had asked �ha� �his eoncern be brought to �lae City Council's at- <br />22 tentian. <br />23 <br />24 Ms. Bosch ihanked the C�ty Caunc�l fo� the oppartunity to speak; reitT <br />25 era�ed her appreciation for �aw en£'orce�nen� o�'fzcers; and asked that <br />26 her comments be taken under consideration vv�th the respect w��h <br />27 which they were intended; and asked that the City Council take thes� <br />28 issues o� dive�rsz�y and cammuni�r relations seriously. <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />3S <br />39 <br />Mayor K�ausing exp�ess�d hzs concern and perspec�ive regarding �he <br />specifcs of this partzeular case, with the c��izen zdent��y�ng herself as <br />a member o� the Human Rights Commission, and her relationship to <br />�he vehicl� opearato� being personally known to her, and how issues <br />couTd be s�parated. <br />Ms. Bosch questioned the amount of leeway a commisszoner would be <br />grven; however, not�d that the commissione� w�s a�so a member of <br />ihe community who fe�i �he si�ation was inappropr�ate and had per- <br />sona� concerns. Ms. Bosch opined that the lens through which the <br />