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TWIN LAKES AUAR "U�'DATE"ATTACHMENT <br />3ULY 1G, ?007 <br />BY AL SANDS <br />Note 1: Nature af the Twin Lakes Master Pia.�. <br />BY gaing back ta the Cauncil packet datsd Jan. S, 2001 and Plannin� File 3232, <br />you can se� that the Planning Comrnission recar�ended at that tirne a rnix c►f options <br />2 arad 3 as discussed in Map 3, ar�d attached a rr�ap accordingly. That beea�ne scenario I. <br />'T`hez�, on Jw�e 26, 200i, Council approved �e "Twin Lakes Master Plan", as arnended, <br />by iimitin� it ta scena.r�a l, and r.�cludin the o tion�l 5c�nario la i box re�ail on <br />parcels 6& 7). The 6/26i01 Council packet excluded Ma 3 from it's �aster 1an <br />attaehxn�rzt. Counczl t�e� included this exclusive Land use pian identified as scenari� I in <br />pages 9-� I of t�.e Twin Lakes Maste� Plan. AIl this was done on the zecommendatinn of <br />the �en developm�nt dir�ctor, Dennis Welsch, t�at the council shcauldpic� one or the <br />o�her sce�.aria z�at �oth Review the Cou.ncil pack�i fc�r Jr�ne 26, 2401 for verifica�ion. <br />Finally, in the Couz�cil pac�Cet for June 24,2005, �here is a map lab��ed Twin L�ces <br />Master Plan co�:sistent with the AUAR scenario 1, indicatin� previous stai�' deerned <br />sc�Yiario 1 T`H� la�d use xnaster p�an. I understand tha� ail nf this inf'orrnation is stili on <br />the Ciy's web sita and readily verifiab�e if you'il only take the �ime tp do sa. <br />Note 2: Legat Cozn�ezatary enr�anating from the Appeals Courts adv�rse decision. <br />Mr. Paul D. Reuvers, in his Sept. �l, 24t1d peti�ion to the Minnesota. Supreme <br />Court ta reverse thc Appeals Caurt stated t�:at t�e Ap�eals Court decision: <br />"Requires a city to study the e�vir�nz�e�t iz�pacts af a p�ase of develap�nent <br />wit.t�in ih� tatal AUAR area, as npposed to the entire AUAR aarea. T�aare£oze, vv�en a <br />sub-developm�nt is prnposed vvitl�in �he AUAR. area, the developzx�e�t af #�aat ayrea must <br />be studied in relation to those same identical sub ar�as, or parcels, in th.e AUAR.." <br />(Nate: That �xplains staff's re�rouping $ s�b areas into ozaly 3. Dowzasizing the sub <br />area� wiii only create mare proble�s if it turns out the areas will be developed <br />zncrez�entally, and n4t all at c�nce within the three Iarge new areas} <br />"It takes away the flexibility of preparing an AUAR and eff�ctiv�ly requires and <br />EA'VV//EIS for d�v�lopment projects." <br />Additionally, Mr. Squi�res a�d Mr. Scott Anderson, in a fnotnote on page three of <br />their iet�er to the Cou�ciI da�ed October �, 200f said, "the city rnay wish �a reconsider <br />whether it wzshes tp do ar� AUAR at a�l. It may be more prefercntia.l ta wait fqr specif c <br />propasal, and then use the speci�c EAW/EiS proeess instead of an AUAR. <br />Staff and Cauncil are da.ngero�sly ignaring t�ese legai apinions. <br />3 <br />