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actual facts showin� the or�y future land use plan is �ne—tl�e ane the Council ap�praved <br />as scenario 1 back on June25, 2001: If it doesn't fit in to ti�at plan, it is not consistent w�ith <br />the comprehensive pla� as it really exists. <br />(3) After five years into the pr�sent AUAR, the discussiarc of a�taspital campus is <br />silly ar�d unrealistac and only iliustrat�s how cEysfuanctional thzs docw�aent real�y is. St�f <br />merety wants to continue tl�e fantasy since it is a part of the existing ALJAR, ar�c� pravides <br />legat "cover" ta portz�ay this as merely an "update". Does ar�ybady really wazat a non <br />pra�t haspxtal arganizatian that doesn't pay property ta�ces in ihis plan? Isn't it time to <br />get a c�acument t�at reatly mea.ns sorr�ethin:g7 , <br />To cvnc�ude, this AUAR proposal, the praduct af "game piayi�g" ar�d a <br />dysfirnc�ivnal �overnment (note the developmcnt directar has Ieit and wiii not be h�re to <br />defend his pos�tia�s), shoutd be rejected c�t�t�ght. I call on al� council me�bers to stop <br />blindly rubber stanapiz�g sta�''s reco�endatians az�d start to laok at t�ings �r�alisticatly. <br />Tka�e attached nates are alI you �aeed to do this, a.�d to be fair �o the citizens. Tha <br />disastraus results af �oilo�wing st.���'s r�ca�a.m�ndatia�s ��e Twi.n Lakes LL� debacle <br />shti�ld be er�ough to cause you �o t�nk long and hard on �is. With four cnIiege educated <br />cnu�cii me�abers, tl�ree of w�oxr� are exper�e�ced Lawyer's, and a street s�art seasaned <br />politica�. th�ze to bring same eazt�man sen�e and balance to the Council, t�ere is �no <br />exc�s� for perpeh�a�tirig a dysfimctional staff and gav�rnme�t. Yo� have the power to get <br />�hings right. I also direc� your attention to �he caveats ( page 5�Irnportant Note) regarding <br />the relatianship oithe AUAR to both t�e exist��tg com�rehensive piar�, and the expe��ed <br />new comprehEZ�siv� plart yet t� be d�vised. Si�ce Council is a�tieipati�g revising tl�e <br />eompr�hensive plan, it is clearly inapp�ropriate to pr€�ceed with ar� AUAR at thi.s tir�e. <br />And as far as I know, tlaere are no �own plans of property avvr�ers �vithin the AUAR area <br />at this time. <br />Please read the �ttached �ates I a.c�c� 2. Also r�view th� attaehecE Twin Lalces <br />Master P1ain Map capied from the Cvuncil packe� June 20, 2005, as approved by Co�ncil <br />on J�zr�� 26, 2U01. That is ou�r existi�g Master Pl� �'or Twin L�kes. I hnpe t�e currsnt <br />cot�.�cil wil� �e th:eir inc#ividua� �espdnsihilities very seriously an.d produce more <br />truthfi�l, ho�zest and :reaizs�ie res�tts than. ihis documer�t �ov�r prvvic�es. 'I�is c�zrzer�t is <br />nothing more than a znatce bel�eve fantasy obliviaus o� reality ar�d existin� fae#s, with z�o <br />pubiic input vr �upport. <br />�� � i <br />2 <br />