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n <br />�� F T�)E5DAY, UCT06�R'9, �.407 <br />a� fi <br />i Fc1il�`ii '��[� <br />, �. <br />il° tl? �'' � <br />: <br />(continued from Page tB} <br />foltowed by so�ne typ� of Ie�s- <br />laiion.,� <br />In Minnesota, state Iaw eur- <br />rentiy allows eities io dee�are <br />dags "dangerous" if the anirnal <br />bites a �erson (arad inflicis sub- <br />stan�iat bodily harm like a irae- <br />ture pr �is�'igureznen�) or l�zlts a <br />domestic arurnal. <br />�Iso, a potentialIy danger- <br />aus d4g tl�at attacks ar endaz�- <br />a <br />gers again can be labeled as <br />dangerous. <br />Ciiies in o�her states have <br />adopted up to five leveis for <br />def'rr�ing dangerous dogs based <br />on the severity of their attacks, <br />accnrdz�g �o Goidfart�. Oi�ers <br />h�v� pui �he responsil�ility on <br />the owners, such as lirniting <br />ho� Iang a dag can be chafned <br />o�tside or deeming the da� <br />potentially dangerous ii <br />authorities detair� it two time5 <br />or mnre in a year. <br />Mi�u�esota law also says <br />dogs can be ruied pQtentialiy <br />dangerous if at� �provnked <br />dog chases,�menaces or bz�es a <br />person twithout causirzg s�zb- <br />st�ntial bodity harm} or bites a <br />dofnestic anirnal. <br />In Apple Valiey, dags car� <br />never ditch the labei — ever� if <br />il�ey �ever attack again. <br />"Q�r kids are coneexned <br />what's going �o ha�pen to our <br />dog„ if i�k�e ordina�ee changes, <br />�.arson said. <br />�"Ol��p����h�� &,e��� <br />�pp1e Valley Po�ice Chief <br />Seott Johnsan hopes the <br />ordinar�ce he is hetping dra�t <br />witl �revent dag attacks by han- <br />ni€ng dangerous dogs irorn the <br />rrtunicipat bnundar�es. �ie is <br />lookirzg �o otk�er cities tha� ban <br />dang�ro�zs dags — including <br />�u�'ala — far f�eFp in crafting <br />Appl� �a11ey's Iaw. <br />"The vast rn�jnrity of �og <br />owners ii� every commtaniiy ars <br />��� � � �� i - '� '� ' ���� � i r� r t� '� � �� I,�' _ � <br />� � � �� ��� � ` + ��� t. � ``. �- <br />very responsihle p�ople, but <br />there are sorne that are irre- <br />sponsil�le — and that's wk�y this <br />ordinance �as come to (l�e),,, <br />said Johnson. <br />'I'he Czty Council firs� consid- <br />ered re�ising i�s dan�erous dog <br />or�inanae, ��vk�ich cuarre��l� nair- <br />rors state law, at a work s�ssion <br />5ept. i2. The council will �ake <br />up the ma�ter agai� �'h�rsday. <br />This year, APAIe Valle.Y <br />poliee deemed four dogs dan- <br />gerous. Three were eur�ataized, <br />and the fo�rt� moa�d. AII were <br />pit bulis. The city stiil has 29 <br />potentially dangeraus dogs, <br />hnw�ver <br />Dtis, a 13-year-oid Lhasa <br />Apso, �as been a �otentially <br />dangerous dog fc�r six years. <br />His ai�ense �appened one <br />day when he escaped from his <br />fenced yard and ran toward a <br />grandmoiher and �er graa�d- <br />chilct�en in n�arby Redwood <br />Park, owner Debra Ho� said. <br />The fearful grandmqther <br />allegedly kicked O�is. <br />The dog hit ihe �ara�d�noth- <br />er on the Ie� and poIiee <br />declared Q�is pote�tiaily dan- <br />gerpus. <br />Police last ehecked n�. �he <br />12-potind, deaf and pa.�'tIy b�ind <br />dng in A�gust. <br />"He's shaggy-haared anc� he <br />can't hear or see," Holm said. <br />B�t Holr� s�zpports banning <br />dangexpus dogs in Apple Va�- <br />ley. <br />"I am cancerned abou� dogs <br />tha� are on the dangeraus tist <br />-�--- the ones ihat are pit bulls <br />and thai kind of a�dog," Holm <br />said. 5�e worries ak�out <br />unleashed dags in ci�y parks. <br />Of the 25 report�d dog bites <br />tha,s year in App�e Valley, seven <br />w�r� from pit bulls. <br />Irt Apple Valley, poten�ialiy <br />dangeraus dogs �ust �ave a <br />�nicrochip impIanied in them <br />for identifieation and be regis- <br />�ered with �police, Johnson said. <br />�}angerous dogs z�nus� �eet <br />ihose r�quirements — and <br />more. The dogs must be <br />feneed wt�en outside il� a <br />Iocked 1�enneI with a roof as�d <br />i�aor, be at��nded and. rr�uzzled <br />v�rlaile leasl�ed, vcrear a "dange��- <br />"Tf the�e's more �� <br />th�m, there's gaing to <br />�e more bi�e� by them. <br />�Then you look baek <br />�h�rough histiory, there's <br />aiways th� dog t�at's <br />the `dang�rous' dog.,g <br />Adam Goldfarb, issues <br />specialist at the Hurraane <br />Saciety af the United Str�tes <br />ous ciag" collar tag and be cov- <br />ered by i�suz�ance oP at least <br />�50,OU�. '�he owner of a dan- <br />geraus dog �z�st pos� warning <br />signs on the building or encifl- <br />sure wher� ii lives and rnust <br />notify poliee if tk�e dog moves <br />or dies. <br />Co�age Grove poliee wani ta <br />slap those rules on poteniially <br />dangerous dogs, too. Ti�ey also <br />wa.r�t renters tp be �oti�ed if a <br />pot�ntiaIly dan�erous dog lives <br />in the same bu�itling. <br />Dog attaeks in Coiiage <br />Grnve prompted eity officials io <br />consider tightening its ordi- <br />nance, public safiety director <br />Craig 'W'aolery sai�. <br />Police k�ave ruJed 30 dags <br />potentiaily dangero�s since <br />2�02, but they haver�'t trae�ed <br />how rnarry are s�ili livzng in the <br />cziy. <br />Twa dang�rous dogs reside <br />in Cot�age Grove. <br />The ]Public Safety, Health <br />and Welfare Com�nission will <br />hold a publie hearing Oe�.16 to <br />diseuss passibly tightening the <br />ordi�anee, "Woolery said. <br />��E��-�P���F��' <br />��O���IT�08�5? <br />ocai a�f'icials in iV�innesota <br />have piayed with ihe idea af <br />banning certain breeds of dogs, <br />especiatly pit bulIs — a breed <br />thai's bee�a invoiv�d in ai least <br />t�zre� major dog at�acks in the <br />past two znonths in tl7e Ti�in <br />Ci�i�s and oiher, less severe <br />����C'R'��',c 3���1 E•���i�ii3 ��s�(�Ji`�a� i.�(�'. <br />�.a&� oa� �,�� �i���: � <br />�i� 9aanl@�: � <br />Apple Vafley is trying �o I�an dogs that ar <br />i3angerous dogs are those tha� i�ave bitte <br />substantial bodily harm; fcill�d domestic � <br />attaciced again once declared "potentiaf�} <br />known dangeraus dngs in A�ple Valley. <br />��Baaaru ��� fiF�� "�o���a����ly s�,����r�sa <br />... � ............... ......_ .... ......_........_............... ...._... ............ ......................._...._..._.... <br />Akita 1 pachshund <br />_.._.. ._.. .._., __. <br />Alaskar� malamute 1 Doberman <br />. German sheph' <br />B.lack,l.ak� . .... 1.. erc. <br />Boston terrier 1 German sharthair <br />CaErn ierner. _ 1 pointer .... .. ., <br />ChihuahualJack Great pane <br />_..... <br />Russell terrier mix 1 Jack Russell terrie <br />, . _ ...... <br />Chow chow mix 1 Keeshand <br />Callie m�x _. " ,1 Lat�/Great Bane_ <br />assaults. <br />Minnesota Iaw currer�tly fnr- <br />bids re�lating dar�gerous or <br />potentially dangerous dags <br />based solely on eertain breeds. <br />Bui �he L�gisiature cauld soon <br />c�ar�ge tha�. <br />Rep. Jok�n Lesch, �3�`T.-St. <br />Paul, in June introduced a bilt <br />to ban breeds of dogs dee�ed <br />dangerous: the Aki�a, pii bull, <br />�toitweiter, woif hybrid and <br />chow chow. �' the Le�isiature <br />ap�roves the bill when if; con- <br />venes in �ebruary, ow�ing <br />ihe� wo�ld be a misde- <br />rn eanor. <br />p�k�er regions, includin� <br />�le�var az�d Mian�.i-�ade Co�a- <br />M" <br />ty in �'iarida, kzave la�vs baz�ning <br />pit bu11s. <br />B€zt the prpbie� wi�� ban- <br />ning breeds is identiFying them, <br />Goldfar� sazd. �or iz�stance, pit <br />bu11s hav� severaI look-aIikes, <br />suci� as Ghe boxer, l�merican <br />bulidn� a�d mastiff <br />Golrlf�rb said bt°eed-sgec�fic <br />legisi� <br />becau <br />PV�(18] <br />Abusi <br />neuie <br />da� ai <br />�o <br />ber of <br />reput; <br />��Zf <br />there' <br />by � <br />"Wl�e <br />histor <br />that's <br />Th <br />dag" <br />man <br />s�epk� <br />and'� <br />ant� n <br />ago. <br />«R. <br />th�t d <br />�Ylarict <br />at ntm <br />o?� fi5T- <br />