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2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />Caty of Rosevi�le <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORD�NANCE AMEND�NNG <br />T�TLE 5, SECTION SQl <br />ANIMAL GONTROL <br />9 <br />l� T�E C�TY OF ROSEVILLE ORDAINS: <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />IS <br />SECTION �: Ti�Ie S, Sectian SOl o��he Rosevi�le Ci�y Code is arr�e�ded �o <br />read as fo��aws: <br />50�.01: DEFINITIONS; <br />I6 Except w�er� ihe te:rm �s expxess�y �e�Zxe� �y other p�a��sxans ax sectzons within <br />� 7 t�zs C�apte�r, t�e �a�lowing words and terms shall have ihe meanings ascribed to <br />� S them in this Section: <br />19 ALTERED ANIMAL: An animal �hat has been s�erilized by being sp��eci or <br />20 r�eutered. <br />21 AT LARGE: O��tk�e premises of the owner and noi under the contro� of the <br />22 owner, a member of the owner's immeciiate fami�y or a person designated by the <br />23 owner, and 'rn the ease of a dog, by a leash, cord or ehain not mare than six fe�t <br />24 (b') in length. Thc persan in charge ��s� be of suif cier�� age �o actec�uately cnnt:ro� <br />2S th� dog. A clog unde;r control salely by means a� cammand ar sigr�a� shall be <br />2F co�sidexed under control only ii ir� the presence o� the owner or some other person <br />27 o�'suita�le age and discretion and on the owner's premises or ihe premises of <br />28 anoiher w�o has given consen� to the owner. <br />29 OWNER: Any person keep�ng a dog a:r other animal. (Dard. � 078, 6-25-199Q) <br />30 ��RVTCE ANZMA�,,S: A serviee animal is an ani�nal specially ira�ned ta assist a <br />3 X person with disabilities. {Qrd. 11 b S, 8-12- � 996) � <br />32 <br />33 50� .02: CONFxNEMENT OF AN�NiALS: <br />34 No animaI shai� he allowecl �y its owner to run at large <br />35 <br />3� . �o�a. �o�s, s-zs-���o} <br />37 <br />3 S 501.03: CERTAIN ANIMALS DECLARED NUISANCE: <br />39 , , Any animal which shall, by any nais�, <br />40 disturb the p�ace and quiet of any othex perso�z. <br />� 1 E'����-���� any an�mal which habitually ba�ks €�r cxies for extended or <br />42 �znreasonab�e periods of time-���or any animal which clamages p�antings or <br />43 structures or deposits fecal matter on publie or private property of others is hereby <br />