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1 deelar�d to �e a nuisance. The keepin� of a�,y such anxma� also constit�tes an <br />2 acimxzzzstrative offense u�der Section 102.02.C., for whic� an admini�traiive <br />3 t�enalt� may be iss�ed. (Qrd. 1078, 6-25-1990) <br />4 <br />5 50�.04: COMPLAINTS: <br />b A. A�ay person aggr'revcd by atl animal nuisa�ce may rnake a written complaint to <br />7 the Palice Departmen�, or such other persons designated by the City Manager, <br />8 sta�ing the acts comp�ainec� a�, the name and addxess o�ihe owner o�'the anima� <br />9 ancl �he name and address of t�e person making ihe complaint. The Police <br />10 Department s�aall thez� pxomptly noti�'y �e pe�sa� owning or keeping the animal <br />1� and shall arder the nuisa�ce a�ated within five (5) days. If such animal nuisance is <br />12 not abated within tha� time, a r�a�'ge may be made aga�nst the owner or keeper o� <br />13 the ar�imal and any per,so� �our�d fio have viola�ed the p�ovisians af this Sectzon <br />14 shall be guil�y o� a misdemea�or. <br />15 S. If a police oificer or com�nt�ni�y service offcer deems it a�ecessaary, t�e off cer <br />16 may ta�e t�e animal i�nmediat��y ta t�.e impou�d to s�op the r�uisance. (o�a. zo�s, 6- <br />17 25-1990} <br />18 <br />� E 1 . � e�. �� _ ■ r�� 1 � . . . — ! �� . �� � i ! <br />� �' � ir w �" W w w r `w � v ♦' i �� <br />. • • r . .r r w w • � • � <br />�" y " y. r'r ♦ G- i �' � • i i ��• <br />� �� • i � r <br />2s A. App�zcatxo�: <br />26 1. T�.e a�ner af all dogs ax cat.s over three {3) �onths o� age kept or main�.ained <br />27 w�thin the corpo�ate limits of ��e City shall apply �ar a dog or cat license �rom the <br />28 Cit or from an �'acili desi nated b the Cit to sell a�imal lice�ses. The Iicense <br />29 application sha�I be on forms parovid�d by the Ci�y and sha�l xe uixe :-�� <br />30 °n�'���nf c'���' °'�n �r��°�� prc�of of rabies vaccination <br />31 . <br />3� /1N M/]�1�[� \Tt]Al��YV]I'1_L\il <br />-Cir-1 [F-UIZ✓i-PCL�✓GAA A4441 V 11. <br />33 2. This �ection shall also appl� to any aiher type of anima� not kept exclusively <br />34 inside the ow:�er's hause. <br />35 3. This See�ian shall not apply to dogs and cats whose owners ar� temporary <br />36 visitors wzt�in the City �oar t�iarty (30) days or 1ess. <br />37 4. An appiicani who has obtained a dog or ca� lice�se sha�l noti�'y the City o��he <br />38 applica�t's ac�dress changes wiihin ihe eorporate lzrr�its of the Crty wiihin i�n {l 0) <br />39 days o� any address change. <br />44 B. Duration af license and fees: T�e duaration oi�he license and the �ee for a <br />4� Iicense shall be as �ro�ided in ihis sec�ion a�d as �ated in Seetion 30�.3, � <br />42 ,�„��.�,.n tec.nn�. {Ord. �078, &-25-1990} <br />