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A� 1 <br />42 <br />�3 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />�3�scussio� Iiems <br />The Council is a�kec� to consider estabIishing a p��alic hearing to al�nw far sufficient time to <br />amend the TZ� Plan and provide the required notifieation. The Counczl is a�sa asl�ed to autharize <br />the neeessary lega� �'ilings a�d financial analysis that v�+ill be needed to e�tend tlae 'T'�F Distrzet. <br />The estimated cast of these £'ilings ar�d analysis is $15,Q00 - 25,000, and cauld be paid out of T��' <br />revenues. <br />48 It should be ez�ap�asized t�at the establishment of t�is,�ublic hea�in� and the aut�ari�atio� to <br />49 ex end rrzonies to do t�e �ecess ��e dili ence is NOT an authorization to extend the disiract. <br />50 It merely preserves tlae option: ta do so. The decision o�� wh�ther ta extend �l�e dis�ric� will be <br />51 made at the public hearing. <br />52 <br />53 A��achnnents <br />54 0 Staff Mema dated Octaber S, 2D47 regarding th�: possihle extension af TIF Dzstrict #�1 - <br />55 Centr� Pointe. <br />56 <br />57 Recoa�amez�c�atian <br />S8 �£the Council wishes tn �reserve the optifln of exiending TIF Dis#rict #l, Staff recorr�mends the <br />59 Council set a Public Hearing for December I7, 2007. <br />60 <br />61 Caa�ncil Action Requested <br />62 Adopt the attached resolutian establishing a p�zb�ic heaz�ing £ar Decerr��er 17��`, 2007 to consider <br />63 the exter�sian o£T�F Dis�rict #1 (Centre Poinie). , <br />69 <br />z <br />