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6S <br />6b <br />d"7 <br />�i8 <br />69 <br />70 <br />�L <br />72 <br />73 <br />74 <br />7S <br />"76 <br />77 <br />78 <br />79 <br />80 <br />S1 <br />82 <br />8� <br />84 <br />SS <br />86 <br />87 <br />88 <br />89 <br />�a <br />9� <br />92 <br />93 <br />9� <br />95 <br />96 <br />97 <br />98 <br />99 <br />�oo <br />101 <br />IO2 <br />I03 <br />�04 <br />1�5 <br />106 <br />107 <br />108 <br />109 <br />EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />C�TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />� � � * �: � � � * � � <br />Pursuant io due cal� and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Ci�;y Co�ncil �f the Ciiy of <br />Ros�vilie, Cnunty nf Ramsey, Miz�nesota was c�uly held an ihe 17t1� day af December, 2007 at <br />6:OD p.m. <br />The fal�awiz�g �r�er�bers were present: <br />a.nd t�e £o�lawing were absen�: <br />Member in�roduced �he following resol�xiion and moved its adoption: <br />RESOL�T�ON <br />RE�4LCJTI4N ESTABLiSHTNG A PUSLIC HEARiNG TO CONSIDER THE <br />EXTENTXON UF TAX INCREM�NT FINANCING DTSTRICT #1 (Centre Pointe) FqR <br />AN ADDZTIQNAL 2 YEARS <br />WHEREAS, Ta� Increment Financin� (TIF) District #1, lncated within the City of Roseville is <br />scheduled to ex�ire nn Decemb�r 31, 2007; �nd, <br />WHEREAS, MN State Statutes allovv �or the e�tension of T��` District # 1 for an addi�iar�al 2 <br />years; and, <br />WHEREAS, �he City Co�zzacil recognizes that �nonies derived from the extensiaz� of TIr District <br />#1, could be used to serve a pub�ic p�u-pose consistent witl� t�ie goals and prioritzes of the Ci��; <br />and, <br />WHE�ZEAS, the City Council reca�nizes t�at additio�al rrioni�s Znust be spent to �repare tl�� <br />necessary legal �'ilings and financial analysis. <br />NOW, THER.E�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Czty Cauncil of the Cit� of Rosevil�e, <br />Minnesota, as follows: <br />1} A public hearing to consider the exiensian oi TIF District # 1 will be held at, <br />Ciiy Hall, 2660 Civ'rc Center Drive, at G:00 p.�. an Monday, December <br />17, 2007, to cansider the extensian a�'Tax Incre�aent Fi�a�cing District #I <br />2} The City Manager is �ereby directed to cause the notice of t�e �aulalxc hearing to l�e <br />pu�Iishect in the official z�ewspaper oi the City a�d in a newspaper of ge�exal circulatian <br />at least 10 days, but �ot �n:ore than 30 days be%re t�e date of the p�bl�c �earimg. <br />[�' <br />� <br />