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110 <br />111 <br />112 <br />113 <br />114 <br />115 <br />116 <br />117 <br />118 <br />119 <br />120 <br />121 <br />122 <br />123 <br />124 <br />125 <br />126 <br />127 <br />128 <br />129 <br />13Q <br />131 <br />132 <br />I33 <br />�34 <br />135 <br />136 <br />137 <br />138 <br />139 <br />14� <br />3) The City Manager is hereby directed to cond�ci the n�cessary legal filings and �'inancial <br />analysis �a properIy consider the extension of TIF Disl:rici #1. <br />The motioz� foz� t�� adoptian of ihe fo�egoi�g resalution was duly seconded by member and <br />upon a vote l�eing takezz 1:la�reon, i�� �allowi�g vated 'an £avor thereo�: <br />az�d the �ollawing voted against �he same: <br />W�EREUPON, said resol�.tip� was declared ciuly passed and adapted. <br />State of Miara�z�esota) <br />} SS <br />County of Rarrrsey) <br />Z, uz�dersigned, being the duly quali�'ied City Manager of the City of Ros�vi�le, Caunty oi <br />Raznsey, State o� Minnesota, do herehy cer�ify �hat I�ave carefixlly campared the attacl�ed and <br />foregoing extraci of minutes of a re�ular meeting of said Ci�y Ca�.tncil he�d on the � 7th day of <br />Decerrzber, 2007 with the original �hereaf on �ile in rny o��ice. <br />W�TNESS MY �AND officially as s�ch Manager �his 17th da� of Decernber, 2007. <br />Seal <br />Wiliiatn J. Malinen <br />Ci�y Manager <br />►,� <br />� <br />