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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />Appraval: <br />REQUEST FOR CDUNCIL ACTION <br />�Vianager �Ze�ier�ved: <br />Item Descriptior�o Diseuss Native Seedin� Areas on City Hall Campus <br />DATE: 101221�'7 <br />ITEM: LO.a <br />Age�nda Sectiou: <br />12 Background: The 20�3/2004 City �a11 Police expansion anc� xenovatioY and Maintena�ce <br />13 Building renovations prajects inelud�d extiensive site work ineluding measures to meet Rice <br />� 4 Creek Watershed Disirict sto�water requirements, parlcing lot xeplacerr�ent and modifications, <br />15 arid landscapiz�g az�d lighting imprQV�rnents. There were extensive discussion� with the architects <br />16 regarding cc�st effective �easures tha� ca�zld be im�lemented with the prnject ta rneet some Ievel <br />17 nf green buildzng standards. One nf the areas selected was ta �eciuce stor�waiear zunof£ and <br />18 improve waier quality th�ro�gh the construc�inn of infiltration ponds a�d creating native seeding <br />19 aa�eas where we hav� had dif�culty inaintaining c�ualzty tur�grass. The areas af z�ative seec�zng are <br />2 0 significar�t slopes, or tiexed landscap� areas, to �raaasiiian to tk�e various buiIding azad �ar�Cing <br />21 elevatio�s. I�a�ive seedirtg areas req�ire areduced xnaintenance a�d require significantly l�ss <br />22 eonsuamptian o£e�ergy for producin� and distributi�:g water for irrigatzon and s�aall gas en�in�s <br />2 3 far xnawing ancl trimming. Small gas engzz�es emissions are sigz�i�'xcantly higher in pollutants than <br />2 4 the typical automo�ile. Over the past several years, there �as been soza�e discuss�on an whethear <br />2 5 these areas shauld remain native prairie vegetation or be reestablished as turf grass, due ta so�e <br />2 6 co�plai�ts regarding the aesthetics o�'the tailer plants. The native seed��gs are stiIl relatively <br />2 7 �ew and need sorne selective weed ec��trQl �ach season. Vi�e also n�ed �o enhance the variety o� <br />28 �aXants in some areas. The Council has as�Ced for a discussian on this iss�e. <br />29 <br />3 p We have explared three alternatives �'or the Council to cnnsider if you chose to cl�ange t�he <br />3� lar�dscape in t�ese areas. The alternative� are ta contin�e to z�aaintain the area as native prairie, <br />� 2 reestablish t�e area as turf grass, ar create a mare intense tiered landscape on the slope an the <br />3 3 sauth si�.� of city �all planted to per�r�nial flowers. Tiae costs �ar eae� o� these alte�atives are as <br />� 4 %Ilows, and we have estima�ed the annual ongoing maintenar�ce eosts far each of the <br />3 5 alternatives. <br />36 <br />��tiom Recons�aruetion Annua� <br />Cost �aiz�tenance <br />1 Lea�ve as is and enharzce prairie plant varieties $ 0 $ 2,080 <br />2 Re-sad or seed to Tuz�' Grass with arrzgation $ 28,OQ0 $ 4,500 <br />3 Creai� �iered perennial �ardens on slope $ 282,'�00 $ 10,750 <br />37 <br />3 8 RECf.?M�VIENDED CCIUNCIL ACTi�4�T <br />39 <br />4Q <br />41 <br />42 <br />Discuss the options and provide staf� with feedbac� o�a £uture direction. <br />Prepared By: Duane Schwa�z <br />