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�2.EQUEST F(]R C�UNG�L ACTIQl� <br />DATE: 10/22/07 <br />�TEM NO.: 14.b <br />Mamager Rev�ewed: Agenda Sectio�n: <br />., . <br />IteYn De�ription: 2408 P�.blic Works Pavem.ent Managearz�ent �'rc�gxam <br />Background: Each year, Public Worics �faff rnnnitors ar�d evalua�es the cnndition af City <br />infrastruct�re for deve�opment of ongoing mai:n�ena�ce a�ad replaeez�aent needs pla�s. We use ik�is <br />in�'orrnation to develop capital i�rzproveznent plans and in the development of the annuaI budget <br />request i� tk�ese axeas. We also work ctosely wi�h Ramsey Cnunty and Mn/L30T on <br />improvements to City infrastruct�tre as a part of their road iznprovem�nt projecis wit�ain <br />Roseville. 2008 propased construction is a larger znill and overiay prograrr� due to increasing <br />needs due to t�e volume of streets reconstructed 'zn t�ae 70's az�ti 80's. T�e following are <br />improvements which we are recoz�amez�ding �ar the 2408 canstructian season on �h� city system. <br />Ramsey CQUnty �as rzof fir�alized t�eir wor% program fc�r 2008. <br />1. Pave�tent Mana exuent Pro ram Pro'ects: Each year the Public Woarl�s Departz�ae�at <br />eval�zates infrastructure needs based on #he City's �'ave�nent Ma�a�ement Progra�n and <br />assessz�aent of utz�ity infrastructure. Streets in marginal condi�ion are recommended for <br />major main�enance by mill and n�erlay. S�reets in poar condition are recoznz�n�nded for <br />reconstruction. We propose io include tY�e %ilowing sireet segments in our 2008 <br />reconstruciion contracts: <br />Recanstructl�n <br />k�ood 10 (Asburv Street and <br />