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Reeonstruction <br />Stzeet a�ad Ri <br />Sireet Infrastrueture Fund & <br />Road Assessments <br />Subt4ta� <br />Patl�ways & Parki�ag lois <br />County Road B(�airview Avez�ue io �'ry <br />Central Park Lexington — Miscellaneous <br />segments <br />Oakerest Avenue (Cleveland Avenue ta Prior <br />Avenue) — repair concrete sidewalk <br />Pathway axzd Parking Lo� 1Vlaintenance <br />Pafihvvay and Parking Lo� Maintenance <br />Pathvvay and Parking Lo� Maintenance <br />$214,059.00 <br />$214,059.40 <br />$26,000.00 <br />�z�,oao.00 <br />�z�,oao.00 <br />Central Park Lexington --- MiII and averiay ( Pathway arzd i'arking Lot N�axntenance $82,OOO.aQ <br />main lo� Budget <br />�u�total $146,00� <br />TotaI 240$ Pro'�ct Cnst $1,171,595.69 <br />By takzz�g actio� today, t.�e Caunc�l wzi� be authorizing staffta work o� plans foar the parojects as <br />described. As projeci bids are opened, staff will bring individual contracts to tl�e City CounciI <br />%r approval. A detailed cost breakdo� will be included wi�h those Council Actions. <br />RECOMMENbED CUUNCIL ACTION: Motxon approving 2008 �'ublic Worl�s �'ave�ent <br />Manageme�t Program. <br /> By: Duane Schwa7rtz & Deb Bloorr� <br />