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The Council he�d a public heari�g a�d ordered the Neighborhaod 10 recons�ruc�ior� <br />project lasi wi�ter for 2008 consiructio�. <br />The Miil and Overlay Sireets as weil as Neighhorhood 10 street reconstruction are <br />�arojects tha� are prnposed to he financed tharoug� aur street i�frastructuxe fi.u�ds. <br />Neighborhood 10 street xecfl�zstz�iction is assessable anc� has followed t�e Chaptcr 429 <br />process. There are adequate reserves to fiind this level of program, as we delivered a <br />smaller than average pro�ram in 2007. 4ur pavement cnndi�inn ar�d mainienance <br />strategies result z� a xecommended $750,000 annual program �o� auz� city stree�s, <br />excluding the MSA system. After receiving bids far these projects 'we will request the <br />Czty Cauncil award to the lowest responsib�e bidders. <br />2. Pat�►wa And Parkin Lot Rehabiiifation: rn 1999 we expanded t�e Pave�nent <br />Manageme�t Program to manage the condition o� c�ty pathways and par�ing �ots. We <br />have developed an inventazy af these facilities a�d would like ta include the followi�g <br />locations f�x rehabil'z�ation in 2008, Co. Rd. B pathway, Fairview Ave. to �'ry St. <br />pa�eme�t replace�-zae�t, Oakcrest Ave. sidewall� re�airs eas� of Cleveland Ave., <br />miscellaneous segz�enls of pathway �ave�nent replacernent in Central Park Lexington <br />area. The parking 1ot proposed for 2008 is to �ill and overlay tl�e main Cezataral Park <br />Lex�ngton lot. These will be £t�nded using pat�way/par�in�; lat mainienance fuzzds. Work <br />will be co�pXeted using City forces and eontractual work. <br />�taff Recommendatinnt T1�e fa�lo�ang projec�s �are recaznznez�decl #'o�' constr�zction in 2008. <br />Mi�� and 4verla Pro'ects <br />Arthur Streefi (Brenner Avenue to Coun�ly Road Street Tnfrastructuze �'uz�d <br />D} $4�3,259.47 <br />Brenner Aventze Arl;hur Streei to Milcired Drive St�eet Infrastruc�ure �uand $22,523.55 <br />�`entre Point Drive �treet Tnfrastr�et�z�e Fa�d �170,18S.S� <br />Lydia Avenue {Cen�re Point Drive to Cleveland Siree� Infrastructure Fuz�d <br />Avenue) $17,756.10 <br />Breru�er Stree� Highcrest Road io Patton Road Street Ynfra��ructure �'�z�:d �bS,36S.64 <br />L dia Avenue (Highcr�st Road to �renner �treet Street Infrastruc�re F�d $C3,479.3$ <br />Lyciia Cc�urt (Lydia Ave��ae to cu.X-de�sae Street Infrastruct�e Fund $22,357.10 <br />He�schel Av�nue (Cpunty Road B�o Hv4ry 36 Streei Infrastruct�xe �und $70,760.77 <br />Sez�ice Drive <br />Hwy 36 Se�ice Drive {�'airview �ven�� Co Stree� Tnfrastruetu�re Fund $64,936.29 <br />Herschel Avenuej <br />Fulhazn Stree� (County Road B ta Hwy 35 Stree� Infrasiructure Fund $74,9$3.72 <br />Serviee Drive <br />S HvVy 3b Ser�vice Drive {Fu�ha�a Street to Street Infrasiructure Fund $� 95,929.47 <br />County Road B <br />Subtoial $811,536.69 <br />