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2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />7 <br />S <br />9 <br />• City Code Sectioi� 407.06 Powers of O£�'xcers. This section stipuiates <br />procec�ures staff is to �ollow whenever an abate�nen� af a public nuisance, by <br />the city, is to be i�itaated. These proeedures are speci�c io abaternent of t�ose <br />p�blic nuzsa.zaces Xisted in Section 407 {as opposeci to the enforce�aent o£ather <br />city cade/zani�g provisions). The wnrding in this section is not clear, is <br />subject to differing in�erpretation and therefore needs to be xevised. <br />3.0 C�IANGES PROPE�SED: <br />10 3.1 Staif has identified �hree changes for City Council to consider that would speed t%e <br />11 resolution of la�d use violatior�s {that require �he is�uance oi' a Ramsey Caunty Court <br />12 Citation} and wou�d clari£y City Code land use enforce�nent authority: <br />�3 <br />14 3.1.1 C�ange the current Prosecuting Attorney Con�raci 1:o elaz�ai�ate Item <br />1 S Number 18. This �would be accaz�aplisk�ed by having the Prosecuting Ciiy <br />16 Attorney draft and sign a�etier oi understanding t�at Item Number 1 S is no <br />17 lor�ger city policy. This lettex wauld alsa be signed by the City Manager. <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />2S <br />26 <br />2'7 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />3� <br />32 <br />33 <br />• This change �voulcl allow court c�tations to be issued by the <br />Cozz��a�a.ity Development De�artment only after review and appxava� <br />�y the Comrnunifiy Develo��ent Director, the City Attorney and the <br />Coc�es Caordir�atar. This ehange would a�low staff the eapabi�i�y ta <br />prpceed with diff icult, non-cooperative cases year round and �elp bring <br />t�iem ta resolutio� z�are c�uickly. <br />3.12 Revise Section 407.05 to read: T�e Ci�y Council �-e�� <br />� � <br />� <br />. . , <br />�-�9'i�: authorizes the community develonment directoar to ac�minister <br />and enforce this Cha ter. The coznzn�z�� develo znez�t director ma <br />instituie in the nazn.� of t�e c� an a ro riate actions or roeeedir� s <br />a ainst a violator as ro�ided l� law. 4xd. XXXX 2007 . <br />34 • This change gives the coz�aznuz�ity deve�op�ent di�ec�or ��e same <br />35 authority t�� pasitxan pz'esent�y has for enforcing zanin� pz'ovisions o� <br />3b i�e City Code (Sectian 101�.01 Enfnrcement). <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />3.1.3 Revise Sectinn 4Q7.06 Powers of 4£�cexs: ta read: <br />Citv Abaterz�ent a�' Publzc Nuisanees: <br />T�is revision wouid elarify t�at this sectioz� is specif�c �a abat�ment <br />proceedings only. <br />I'age 2 af 4 <br />