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1 <br />2 4.0 F�SCAI..IMPLICATTOle]'S: <br />3 <br />� <br />5 <br />�i <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />X3 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />1S <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />2� <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />4. � Prasecuting atioz�aey caxtract language change: <br />• Eliminati�� t�ie current requirament for staf�'ia create RCA's, draft <br />reports, p�rfoztx� additional inspections at�d attend City Counczl <br />rrieeti�gs will increase sta�'� ef�ciency by allowin� staff ta wark on <br />other, a�d rnore, land use vxolatiar�s. Alsa, aresolvin� land use <br />violations znore quiekly will increas� staff e�ficiency by reducing staff <br />�i�ne spent fieldin� repeated calls frorn fi-�strated {neighboring) <br />property owners. <br />4,2 Sections 407.05 and 407.06 worciing rcvisio�s: <br />• Ciariiicatinn nnly, no fiscal iz�xpact. <br />5.0 STAFF R�COMMEI�DATIOIV: <br />S.l Approve tk�e attached reso�utioi� c�anging the curre�t prosecufing a�iorney conirac� �o <br />eliminat� Ite�x� Nuxr►ber 18. <br />S.2 Matian �o adnpt an Ordinance amen�ing Tit1e 4 S�ctions 407.05 CITY C4LTNCIL <br />MAY ENFORCE a�.d 407.0& POWERS OF OFF�CERS �n clarify public nuisaz�ce <br />enforcemenfi author�ty and procedure in the City of RosevilIe. <br />6.0 SUGGESTED COUNCIL AC'�'I410T: <br />6.1 Apprave t�e attac�ed resoiution arz��nding the eurr�nt pz-os�cuting at�orney contract to <br />elz�zai�afe Item Number 18. <br />6,2 Motion to ado�t an Ordi�ax�ce arne�c�ing TitXe 4 Sections 4�7.OS CITY COUNCIL <br />MAY ENFORCE a�.d 407.Ofi POWERS OF OFF�CER� to claz-ify �ublic nuisance <br />enfarc��aent au�hority artd pracedure. <br />Page 3 af 4 <br />