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,;�'` <br />fk°Y <br />. �L'� <br />.f�r <br />a <br />��t.g� i <br />� 2/07/0 � . <br />,�� � <br />I'7. In sl�o��, eve�ythin� tii�.� � cz�j ,u�nis ai�c� should 'nave in pz-psecutzc��� worlc is <br />� incluc3cd ii� aur retainer, <br />I8, X� is us�d�rstaad that City staff wi11 refer all proposed arin�inal citations for <br />violaizons c�f` th� Zonin.g cocie ax�d al) connz�t�xaity developxnent departznent <br />proposec� crizx�izaal citations {exee�fi fc�r buildia�sg code citations) to the Cit� <br />�ouncil fc�x a public heari��g, and �l�at such c��n�inat citations �vill not l�e tender�d <br />to tl�e Fi�-n� unless such action has bee� ap�roved by tl7e Cify Couneil; �aovided, <br />that t1�a procedure in t�€is secti�n sl�al� z�ot appty �o ai7y cri.minal citatian <br />ern�nating f��oni a police officer or for vialatio�a e�f t��e �tate nl�ilding Gade. <br />The leg�.i services i;�clude a11 �acku� resources far seczeta�ial/l�azalegal. and affiee <br />su�a�alaes. The only additianal c��azges a�-e cez-taia� out-o�-poc�Ce� �hotocopying> <br />�r�essenger/process server fees, and trarzsc���t casts. <br />If t�� abave meets witl� �our apl�roval, we asic that the City Mazaagex• exeeute tl�is as <br />�.pp�ov�l a� tl�.e above coz�tract. �.ile�osecl are t1�•ee copies, on� for ynur �le and ivvc� fc�r ou�-s. <br />Tlzanlc yo�i. <br />Yours very truiY> <br />JENS�N, BE�7 , ,�ON�EFLS�E�.� ERICICSON, P.A. <br />t <br />� ;�� <br />�,` � .�. <br />�� <br />Caroline �el� Bec�cm� <br />/dj <br />�nclost�l�es <br />c: �1a�. C�azis Miller, Fia�ai�ce Diz-ector <br />. �: � <br />�.I'��E)VEU BY:� <br />/ # � ,,- <br />i � °� � ,; <br />E � :� <br />f <br />� ��„�,,._�,...-.,. . <br />t,,i1'Q�JI1C � �C�l�l�ltl <br />�ate�l: � �� � ��'`� <br />APPRQVED �Y: <br />TvT� � � . <br />Neal B�ets �� � <br />Dated: 1� �..1-�'�°�,�... <br />