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City o� Raseville <br />�R.D�1�TAI�TCE �T�. <br />AN ORD�NANCE AMENDING TITLE 4, <br />SECTI4NS 407.05, C�TY CE3UNCTL �AY ENFORCE: and 407.06, POWERS �F OFF�CERS <br />THE C�TY 4F ROSEVILLE ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1: Title �, Sections 4�7.45 and 407.Ob of the Roseviile Ciiy Code are amended to <br />read as %�laws: <br />4U7.OS: ENFORCEMENT: <br />The City Counci� , � , <br />� • <br />. . , . aut�o�rx�es the <br />communit deve�a ment director and/or his desi nee ta admi�ister a�d enforce this <br />Cha tear. The cammuni develo ment directar ma i�astiiute in the name of the ci an <br />a xo riate actions or roeeedin s a ainst a violatax as ravided b law. <br />�07v06: "r'�x'�'�'� F'� r'�'�rr`'�'-�'c C�TY ABAT�MENT OF PUBLIC NU�SANC�S: <br />A. Notice: Wh�never #� an officer charged with enforce�ae�t cietez�ir�es t1�at a public <br />nuisance is being anaaintai�ed ar exists on prcmises in the City, the off cer shal� npti�y, zn writing, <br />the owner or occupant of the pre�ises af such fac� and order ti�at suc� n�isanee be te�inated or <br />abat�d. � <br />B. Service oiNotice: The notice shall �e searved in pe�rson or by certi�ied ar registered tnaal. <br />If t�e prez�aises are not; occupied and the o�wner is ur�l�zaowra, t�Ze �zotice may be served by pasting <br />it on the prez�ises. T�Ze notice shali �pecify the ste�� �n be taken ta abaie the nuisance and t�:e <br />time, noY exceeding 30 days, within which the nui�saz�ce is to �e abated. <br />C. No�cam��iaz�ee: If the notice is not complied with wzthi� fihe txz�e specified, the <br />enforcing o��cer sha�l irnmediately report tl�at fact to the City Cauncii. T�e ez�£orcing officer <br />�ha11 alsn pro�vide notice to t�e owner or occupani of the prernises �at the Czty Couzxc�l wili <br />considcr the matter and rnay provide far abating f�Ze nuisance by �he City. The notice s�ali state <br />t�e daie on which the City Cauncil wi�l eonszder the z�atter, Notice by the enforcing offieer shall <br />%� give�. at Ieast ten day� be%re the date stated in the notice w�en t�e City Council wiil cansid�r <br />th� matt�r. �f natice of the �act that �he City Cor.�cil will consider t�e zxaatter xs given by posting, <br />at Ieast 30 days sh.a�l elapse beiween the day of posting and t�ie date o� cansideration by the Cit� <br />Cauneil. (4xd. 13,�7, 5-22-200b} <br />D. Aetion af City Council; Upan notic� from the enforcin� officer of na�connpliance, fhe <br />City Cauncil may, after notice to t�e awner or accupant and an appartunity �a be heard, provide <br />£or abating the nuisarice by the City. <br />E. �m�nediate Threat: I�the nuisance pases az� i�a�anediate t�areat to the I�ealth ar safety of the <br />public, ihe City r�zaay abate the nuisance immediately with no hea�riz�g. (4rd. 1016, 6�8-1987) <br />(Ord. 1337, 5-22-2006) <br />