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R.equest for Counc�l Diseussfon <br />DATE: 10/22/2007 <br />ITEM NO: ] D,d <br />D�cpa�rtz�:e�� A.ppxovai: �it�Man�ager A�praval: Age�da Sect�on: <br />Item Descriptior�: Discuss�on o�'�k�l�c Notificaiion Requirerr�ents fo� Zor�fng a�d Land <br />Use P�blic Hea�r�u s <br />I.0 <br />2 �,� <br />3 <br />iZEQUESTED ACTIONS: <br />Disctts� Pulalie Noti�'ication Requireinents Per�ai��ii�g to Zonii�g and La�d Use Public <br />Hearings <br />4 2.0 SACIKGROU�Da <br />5 2.1 Recently, City Councii mernbcrs have questioned i.�e process by w�ich pz-operty owners <br />6 a�d residents are �oticed z�egardiz�g pending land use and zoning public hear�ngs. Tk�zs <br />7 process is regulated by both State law and City nrd�nance. <br />2.2 <br />�] <br />10 <br />1� <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 2.3 <br />25 <br />Mi���.esota Law se�s �'orwaz'd a requir�d notification process for zaning ordina��ce <br />adop�ian ar�d amendment. State Stat�te 462.357 Subd. 3. states: <br />d'ublac hearangs, No zaning ordinance or a»zendment thereto shall be adopted until a <br />public hearing has been held thereon by the planning agency or by the governing body. A <br />natice af th� Pime place and pu�pose of the hearing shall be published in the official <br />newspapeY of the �nunicipaiiry at least ten days prior to the day of the hearing. When an <br />amendrnent involves chan�es in district houndaries affecting an a�ea of five ac�-es ar Iess, <br />a si�nilar notice shall be mailed at leasi ten days before the day of the hearing to each <br />o�vner of affected property and property situated whally or pqrtly within 35(1 feet of the <br />property to which the amendment relates. For the pu�pase af giving mailed notice, the <br />peNSOn responsible for maiding the notice fnay use any appropriate recards io determine <br />the names and addresses of owne�s. � copy of the natice and a list of the ovvners and <br />addr�esses to tivhieh the notiee was sent shall be attested to by the responsible person and <br />shall be rnade a part of the reco�ds nf the proceedings. The failur� to give rnaiZed notice <br />to individual property awners, or clefects in the notice shall not invaiidate the <br />proceedings, provided a bana �de atternpt to conaply with this subdivision has been made. <br />City Code requirernen�s for public z�oti�cation process for zoning and land use �ssues is <br />cansistent wit�i thai of the S�ate. Sectio� � OS.OI (B) states: <br />26 Notice af the tirne and place of such �publicJ hearing /f'oY the Camprehensive <br />27 Plan, znning, or subdivision �egulations� shctlZ be published in the designatecl <br />28 legal newspape� no Zess than ten (10) nor more than thi�ty (30) clays p�ior to the <br />29 hearing. In th� event the hea�ing involves a particular parcel of lrznd, mailed <br />30 noZice shall be giv�n by the City to the owner and to each af the p�operty owners <br />Page 1 of 3 221007_Public Notification <br />