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31 within three hundred fifty feet (350) of the outside boundaries of the pat-ceI and to <br />32 the State, County, and Federal agencies, if applicable. Failu�e to rrtail notice oY <br />33 the failu�e of the prape�-ly owners to receive the natice shall not invalidate the <br />34 proceedings. <br />3S 2.4 � adciztion to noti�cation a�a publie hearing as required by ordinance, the Gomrn�ni� <br />36 Develapment Department also �rpvides notifieafion of all zoning anci land use requests az� t�e <br />37 City's w�bsite as wetl as posting at City Hall and requires applicants to piace si�as on t�e subject <br />38 property for site-specific processes. <br />39 2.5 Based on a zequest fro�z Council that kzas not been codified, staff kas implerr�ented ta following <br />�0 natifica�ion process �nr rnailed notices. Posteards are sent to property owr€ers wit�in 3S0 feet af the <br />41 subject property or to those wrthin a radius of the longest dimension of the subje:e� property, <br />�2 whichever is greafier. For example, if a property line is I,004 i'ee.t in length, the radius would be <br />43 1,000 feet; however if the longest dimension is only 300 feet then the 350-foot radzus is a�plied. <br />44 Sta�'�believes tY�at this type oinotification prac�;ice may be inconsistent with the intent ai t�e <br />A 5 Couneil. For exam�Ie, if a controversial business is proposing a change and the lon�est dimension <br />46 is 3S0 feet, additional noti€`ication is not required. Conversely, if a Iess contxoverszal business <br />47 request has t�e longest diinension of 600 feet, that properiy wo�1d need to notify people withiz� a <br />48 b00 fooi radius af the property. Ii it is the intentian of the Cou�acii to notify additional �aeop�e as a <br />49 part of aTl plannzng az�d larzd use requests, staff woule� z-ecommend that �I�e natif�catipn radius be <br />50 increased ipr all applications thus rcmoving dimensional standards all tagether. This type of <br />S� notz�catzon practice is consistent with otlaer mur�icipalities, as referenced below. <br />52 Z.G Current city regulations do not require developers to �old a�ublic rr�eeting with neigh�ars prior to <br />53 makirrg a zoning or land use apptication. The appticatioi� for a�'lanned Unit Developxne��t does <br />54 suggest that developers seeking a planned unit development hold a neighborhood meeting ar open <br />55 hause. <br />56 2.7 Staff has researc�ed the nptification policies and practices o�other communities within t�e <br />57 �et�opolitan area. The �'aliawing tab�e suzaaz�aries ihe ��dzngs. <br />City IVO�i$iC�tIOE� i7e�eloper-led Other <br />Neighi�orhood I�ieeting <br />Azden Hills 350 feet (may be increased Not required, but <br />on a project-by-pro�ect reco�nmended for <br />basis) cantroversial projec�s <br />CoIumbia Hezghts 35Q ��et <br />Edina 10�0 feet for e�erytl�ing NaY raquired, but The proposer of a <br />but snbdivisioz�s reco�nmended for subdivision must notiiy <br />504 feet for subdivisions conh-oversial projacts properties wit�i�� the <br />zzati�'tcation area <br />Notice for both Pianning <br />Copnmission �nd Ciry <br />Council �neetings' <br />Maple Gx•ove To be campleted <br />Maplewood S00 feet Nat requiz-ed, bu# l�ublic opinion sur�ey of <br />Page 2 of 3 221007_Public Notification <br />