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�`���"]��?�v�'��-��~'.� <br />� <br />. � <br />Ta: Mayor arad Caunc�l <br />Bzll Ma�inen, City Manager <br />From: Chris Miller, F�inance Directar <br />Date: November 8, 2007 <br />Date: � 2/03107 <br />Xtem: ll.b <br />Ryan Companies <br />Centre Poin�e <br />Re: Requ�st by Ryan Companies far Cantractual Relief in the Centre Poir�te Redeveloprnent <br />Agreement <br />Background YnfQr�natron <br />Zn �997, tk�e Ci�y o�Raseville er�ter�d i�to a Redevelopment Agxeeme�t wit� Ryan Compa�ies to <br />redevelop t�e City's Centxe �'ainte A.rea. T�is Axea wa� e�cozn.passed wztk�in a�n e�isfiing Tax <br />Ir�crement Finanee (TTF) Districi. Under the tez�s of the Agreement, Ryan Companies reeeived <br />two ad�vance payrr�en�s (lnans) tntalir�� $2.S rrrillion, frorri the City ta off-set a partian nf the <br />infrasiruc�ure and en�iranmental remediation eosts paid by Ryan. The Agree�nent abligated <br />Ryan Companies to repay a par�ion of t�e loans with t�eir a1lo�ted share o�' t�e future cap��'ed <br />tax increment. The laan repayments are due �y Decerz�ber 31, 2007. <br />In 20Qp and 2001, majox s�ructural changes were made to the State's Property Tax Systez� whic� <br />substantially reduced the amount aft prqperty taxes colleated by loca� govaz-�z�rzez��s. T�is in t�na <br />reduced the ability af T�F Disiricts to g�nerate captured dollars (i.e. property ta�es) to pay %r <br />distz-ict-r�lated e�penses by as a�xauc� as SO%. As a res�lt, i�o�h �he City and Ryart Carripanies <br />realized far less increment than nriginally e���cted. <br />It shou�d be noted ihai t�ese i�x�pacts ware �ot unanticipated. The Agreement s�ated that these <br />�ypes of proper�y tax refortns could take place and that Ryan Companies wo�zlei bear t�at rislc if it <br />did. Nan�theless �hey have requested some relief on its obligation to repay ihe loans ta the City. <br />Ryaan Cazx�panies has developed other parcels in the City including the Tr�in Lakes Medical <br />Bu�ilding and Tr�vin Lakes Office Park Buildin�. Howev�r, it is believed that the Centre Pointe <br />development was t1�c single largcs� contiguo�s area. <br />Property Tax Reform I�npact n� R�an Ca�npa�ies <br />The i�npacti due to changes in the State's Proper€y Tax System res�lted 'z� Ryaz� Ca�npanies <br />realzzing a revenue strea� that was severa� �nillion dollars less than expecte�. As a result, r�at <br />only did Rya�� Co�npa�ies reeeive far less t�an they �xp�cied, current projectzans suggesi fi�at the <br />captured increme�t vvill be insuf�cier�t to pay off the loans to the Czty. If �lais ha�d.s iz-ue, Ryan <br />Companies would be ec�ntrac�ually abligated to provide reiznb�sea�aezat f'rorn other cnmpany <br />f�ds. <br />