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Pote�iial Re�ief Packages <br />Whi�e tl�ere a�e a nur��b�r of ��1ief packages that cauld be p�avided to Rya�a Coz�nipanies, pezk�aps <br />the two �nost plausihle are: <br />1) For�ive the loan <br />2) Amend �he Agreement and extend the TIF Dis�rict <br />The Ag;z�eezxaeni and T�F District a7re scheduled ta expire an Dee�mber 31, 2007. At that tizxze the <br />�alance of the laan aft�r applying Ryan's portian of the captured i�crement, is projected to be <br />approxirr�ately $95,pd0 — a11 0� which would be i��nnediately due and payable by Rya�, ta the <br />Cxty. T�e Czty co�ld si7mp�y fargive tk�e loaza. By daing sa at wauld in e�'fect declare that tlae <br />$95,000 was �o lo�ger z�eeded to aceorzaplish �he objectives that vvere originally soughi when the <br />Distric� was creaied nr �hen the AgreerrYent was ap�rnved. One could argue however, that in <br />doing so the City would be %rfeiting rr�anies �hat it is legally entitled to. <br />Alter�atively, t�e City cotzld exte��d the duration of the TIF Dis�-ic1: �o a11ow additiona� incremei�t <br />to be cap�ured by Ryan �o repay t�he Ci�y loan. The Council has establzs�ed a pub�zc hea�iz�g �or <br />December 17, 2007 to co��sicier the dis�rict extension, however at t�ais tinae we have anly talked <br />about potential City uses. <br />Public Pnlicy Disc�ss�an It�ms <br />Providing some rel'zef to Ryaz� i� re}�aying the laa�s raises a number a� public-pnlicy questions, <br />including: <br />1} What are ihe City's coniractual obligatic�ns in providing relief �o Ryan? <br />2) What are the City's moral or professional obligations in providing relief �o Ryan? <br />3) Wot�ld �rov�ding :relie� in Cex�tz-e Poin�e set a parecedent for ot�er developers that were <br />siar�ilarly iz�pacted by the changzng legislatian? <br />4) Wo�ld a reliefpackage pravide benefit io the City? <br />Legal Counsel has consistently stated t1�at the City does nai have a l��al obligatic�n �o �rovide <br />arelie�' to Ryan. I� could a�so be argued that tY�e City does no� have any moral nr �rofessional <br />obligation es�ecially �n consideration that Ryan willi�lgly agreed ta �ear any z�s� s�auld paro�erty <br />tax re�orm take place. Ta date, the City has performed und.e� the Agreement as it s�ated it would. <br />One z�ight alsa rais� a co�c�rn w�et�er any reliei package might raise un�azrz�ess zssues by other <br />develnpers thaf vvere sin�i�arly impacted by changing legislat�o�. During ihe past few years, the <br />City was approac�ed by iwo o�her cievelopers seeking reli�f for �nany nf tihe sarne reasons cited <br />hy Rya�. In bat� instances, the City declined ta pravide any such relze£ On the atl�er hand, the <br />City cr�uld take the �osition that each redevelopment project is u�ique ar�d therefore ought to <br />receive consideration independent of ot�ers. <br />2 <br />