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44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />�7 <br />4& <br />49 <br />50 <br />51 <br />52 <br />S3 <br />S4 <br />55 <br />56 <br />57 <br />58 <br />S9 <br />60 <br />61 <br />62 <br />63 <br />64 <br />65 <br />6b <br />67 <br />68 <br />69 <br />7Q <br />7l <br />72 <br />73 <br />7� <br />75 <br />7b <br />77 <br />78 <br />79 <br />$0 <br />S1 <br />82 <br />S3 <br />84 <br />SS <br />8G <br />87 <br />88 <br />89 <br />F�re Rescue & Ex�r'rcatin� Fee <br />This fee is for rescue services that require specialized ec��ipment and training beyond the training <br />and equipment u�ed �'o� �refighting {e.g., cnnfined space, high angle, v��ic�e extricatia�, a�d <br />tranch resc�e). The revenue wiIl be used ia �elp offset �he cosi o� equipment purc�ases ai�d <br />maintenance as well as initial and an-gaing training expenses. <br />�n a typical year there would be, on average, aba�.t 20 billable calls for se�vice. In rr�ost <br />insta�ees, the customer's �edical, vehic�e, horneawner's ar business insu�ance wc�uld cover the <br />fee. The prop��ed a�aunt far 2008 is $400 pex rescue oz- e�trication. <br />O�en Burr�ing Pertaait <br />The �'ire Depar�ment is periadicall� aslted �a by praperty c�wners �o car�duc� a rnaintenance-t�pe <br />burn for prairie g�ass ar ot�ier open spaces. TypicaTly this require� a fire shift crew and vehicle <br />as we11 as so�,e ad�ainistrative processzn� costs forr tk�a perrr�ii itself. Because this is a value- <br />at�ded sez'vice, it is s�ggested that property ov�ar�ez's pay a separat� fee. The proposed amount for <br />2008 is $9Q.. <br />�'atse Alarm� Fee - �'ire <br />The Fire Department is increasingly receiving false alar�r� calls that �aa�e originated due to <br />neglige�ce on the part of cons�r�zetion workers at a job site. Respondin� to a false alarm <br />typicat�y requixes a fi:re sl�ift crew and vehicle response whic�a prevezzts #�Ze. crew from <br />perfarrnz�g oth�r duties. The Fire Departme�t propases that a�ee be c�arg�d in these inst�ces <br />as a zneans o£ encouraging const�ction workers ta be more ca�tious. This is simi�ar to fi�� <br />manner i�. vvhich we charge property o�ers for Po�ice false ataz�ns. The proposed amo��i for <br />2Q�8 is $150 �er false alarm. <br />Erosion Control Tns�ec�ian Per�nit <br />City �tai�' recent�y ca�npieted an analysis of the fees collected compared to tl�e time spent oza <br />erosion control perrnit�. It was discovered tlaat the c�urrent fees do nat recover all o£ the Ci�y <br />casts du� to the longer-t�.an-ex�ected inspections. The proposed incr�ase for 2008 is � 100-200 <br />depen�ding on �e acreage. <br />P�ablic �mproveme�t Contract Application Fee <br />City Code 1102.07C requires t�at the City recover all expenses incurred by t�e City for <br />ez�gineering, legal fees and other inc'rdental expe�ses in connectzon with the insta�la�ion a� public <br />improverz�ents. Currently the Cif� cha�rges a$S00 base fee and 1-2% of �lae improvement costs, <br />To f�1ly recover a1I City costs, it is proposed for 2008 that �he City continue ta eharge the $500 <br />base fee and 3% of the �mpxpve�nent cc�sts. <br />�,eaf pragram Fee <br />It rs proposed t�at the Leaf Prc��ram Fee be added to the annual �ee �c�ed�l�. The City of <br />Raseville has provided curbside leaf pickup service to Ro�eville residents since 1970. Tn 1997, <br />tk�e C�ty ada�ted a£'ee-far-service sysie� �o i�elp minimize direcl; costs to the City's aperati�g <br />budgets. This y�ar's fee was �20. Due �o z�zcrease� in �abar, fuel, at�d equ�pr�ent costs it is <br />propased thai t�e fee be i��ereased #o $25 far 2008. <br />