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� �xEQ�r:�sT Fo� covNC�L acT�oN <br />z <br />3 Date. 12/03/2047 <br />4 I��m Nn: 11.c <br />6 Departinent Approval: Manager Appraved: Ageizda Sectian: <br />7 �� .� �� _ _ # _ - --�.,�.�,�.J Staff Reparts <br />9 Item Descrip�inn: Adop�:i�g the 2008 Fee Schedule <br />l0 <br />11 <br />12 Backgraund <br />13 Qn Ja�auary 3Q, 2007 t�e Czty Council adopted the 2007 �ee Sck�edule which set farth the :Cees <br />14 and c�arges £or service %r the City's regulatory functions. The pr�sence of a fee�ule <br />15 allows regulatory-type fees to be easily zder�tified in one doc�ez�t, as oppased to bei�g scat�ered <br />16 ��roughout City Cflde. Tn �ddition, a fee schedu�e adopied by resa�ufion on an aaulual basis <br />17 provides the Council �he opportunity ta revie� £ees fbr services i� a cam�rehensi�e xxaaz�er. <br />18 <br />19 Qver thc past several months, Staff has review�d i:he direet and indirect costs af the City's <br />20 regulatory func�ions #o determine whether �ee adjustments are necessary. In general, it was <br />21 de�:ermined that the fiees were ap�rnpriately set witl� a few exceptians. Based oz� this analyszs, <br />22 Sia�f recar�r�el�ds adjust�nents to the fallowing fees: <br />23 <br />24 2008 Ytecnmmee�deci Fee Adjustm�e�:ts <br />25 <br />2� II II� <br />27 � �' <br />28 � � • � <br />29 Fire rescue and e�trica�ic�n fee $- � 400.00 <br />30 O en b�trning permit - 90.00 <br />31 �a1se alarm fee - �iare - 150.00 <br />3� Erosion Control Tnspectipn I'ermit <br />33 Les� than 1 acre 25Q.00 35Q.Q0 <br />�� 1 ta S aeres 550.00 650.00 <br />�� Moare than 5 acres $00.00 1,004.OQ <br />3b pu��ie Im rovement Co��ract Application Fee (b} SO�.QQ 500.00 <br />37 <br />3 8 Leaf Prograrza Fee Z0.00 25.00 <br />39 Par% Dedica#zan �e� - residential 2,000 3,000 <br />40 <br />4I <br />42 <br />43 <br />(l�) In actditinn to ti�e $S00 base fee, a ck�a�•ge of 3% {revised iroin 1-2% used in `07) of the total <br />iinpxovement cost Es also assesaed <br />An ov�rview far eaeh propased fee adjust�ne�t is presented below. <br />