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��.�._ 1 . _ � � <br />, rosevilia. mr�. us <br />City of Roseviile � 2660 Givic Center Drive • Roseville Mt� 55113 <br />Phone:65�.792.70fl'€ � Fax: 65"f.792_7�34 <br />l�� ,-.. �c <br />�'i � �r�� E ��j ��. � t :.� ° ..� r, } ::-'1 �� ' ��� �:� f�) � i l �) �i � l� !�� <br />Plec�se cheek cornrnissron c�pplyirrg fr�r: <br />� l�thi�s Cta��issiar� <br />❑ ���ss Lakes �a�er ��n€ageme�xt �rgan���tior� <br />� Hurn�� Pighfs �omrraission <br />� �'ark a�d �ecr���ion �ornrnas5�m� <br />� �'lar�r�i�g �o�n�issiaa� <br />� Police �i�r�l �ervice �omm�ss�an <br />� k'ublis Wc��ks, �nviron�zeni ar�d `�`rans�oa-tafic�t� �o�x►�nnission <br />�I �t��Ynurt�ty �onrznni�le�!`�'ask �'orce (namej .�. --� _ <br />Nam e: _.��h�t, .��ysytvczvn --- - - <br />CitylStatelZip• Rose�ille, �VSN 55X�3_. _ � _._ <br />Work ��c erience: <br />�wner, K Solutions L�,C ZQOb-present <br />Woriced on two Con essional cam ai s and achieved �irst $500C1 billir,g mpnth in 26£16 <br />Seif-em loy�ent, Harr�e rerr�ade�i�� az�d restozatian 1995- resent <br />Full-ti��e parer�t & car� '�ez �ar 2 kids Z003- resent <br />��ucation: <br />Rosevi�le High Scl�ool <br />University of lvrinnesota <br />Natio�a[ Institute for A�taznotive Serviee Excellez,ce, ASE Ccz�i�cation <br />Canti���ing Lega1 Educati€�n, Mix�n�sota �.egis�ative Process <br />Center foz Tzans az�ation Studies, MN Ur�ifor� '�'raifie Co��troi Devices <br />Civzc and Volu�nteer Activities: (.I'ast and T'resent <br />Mayor, City pf Rosevil�e (2000-2004) <br />Have attended council meetinp�s on a consis�ent basis since I49&, lana�er t�san any current c9ty counci! mernber <br />Mer�ber-A1-I arge, Nc�r�hem Star Counci3, B�A (2fl00-Present) <br />Ivlember, Cou�cik Technology Caznmittee <br />I'oIicy comznittee mernber, Lea�ue af Minnesqta Cities {2001-2�04) � <br />�'Iease state y¢uz- reasar�s far wanting ta serve on iixe Co��nissionlCorr�rnittee/Task �'orce: <br />(�e a,r spec f c crs possi�ale - use addrtional sheet if necessrarY) <br />Counci] members ra�linely state t11ai tl�ey aniy appoin� tl�e �nasf: qual���d candidates. In a larg� cit}� <br />like Rosevi]Ie, w� hire prafessiona� sta�wztl� ctegzees in reiated �e�ds to cany out �he tcchnica� day ta <br />day wo�•k �f tl�e eity. As s�ch, the q�alifcations #'or servii�g as a citizen advisory coznn�issioi� rner�iber <br />lean mo�-� t€awards i�aving an uraderstandang of the process and having t11� brpad vision ta carry oLi� <br />existin� policy Qr creating new pol�cy reco�r�endations. 1i� ihis capacity; n�ore afte3� t]zan not. ] arn tl�c: <br />